NYCC 2012: Mattel DC Universe Instapics

Here’s some quick DC Universe pics from New York Comic Con.

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I am on the show floor at New York Comic Con. To get you the pics you want as fast as I can, I’m hooking you into my Instagram feed. If you’re on Instagram, follow me at afpron – that’s for AFP Ron, not AF Pron :). Stay tuned for better pictures soon.

Lazy Customizer Tip – Use Silicone Sealant to Attach Heads and Tighten Socket Joints

If you’re a customizer, you’ve probably ended up with a custom with a wobbly or loose head. Maybe the existing socket on the head you’ve swapped in is too big, or you drilled out a hole in a resin head cast that’s wide enough to fit over the peg only to find it flops around like it’s on a bobble head. Because I’m a lazy customizer, I had around half a dozen “finished” customs that were like this. For some, the heads would flop around mercilessly. For others, if you knocked the shelf the heads would just fall off. Pretty bad – I know.

Faced with this situation, a pro customizer would use a two part compound like Apoxie Sculpt or Kneadatite, fill the socket part ways and attach the head – and before it was completely cured, would twist the head so it wouldn’t be stuck in one spot. (Or, as some of you will no doubt be thinking, a pro customizer would have drilled the right size socket to begin with…) But I’ve found a much easier way – with silicone sealant. This is the stuff people use for things like aquarium repairs (I think) and… ok, I’m not a hardware guy, so I have no idea what else it’s used for. All I know is that I use it to attach heads to action figures. It takes five minutes and is super easy.

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Custom DC Universe Classics Bizarro and More by wally2974

A short while ago frequent commenter wally2974 sent me an email asking me about how I made my custom Legion of Doom / classic Bizarro. Of course, I gladly take credit for it even though Ibentmyman-thing did all the hard work (he sculpted the Bizarro head).

It was very flattering that wally was inspired by the custom enough to want to make one himself, so I asked him if he’d send me pictures when he was done. Now I am tinged with jealousy, since his version came out much cleaner than mine. It doesn’t help that he also has one of those very rare light blue colored Superman figures that never made it to shelves. Curse you, wally! 😉

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Entertainment Earth’s Summer Clearance Event Features Good Deals on DC Universe Classics and More


Entertainment Earth is holding their annual Summer Clearance event, and they’ve got over a hundred action figure deals to choose from.

There’s a fair number of DC Universe Classics on the list, many for $6.20. Dr. Impossible shows up for $3.70, which may be a good deal for customizers looking for a blank body with a fairly flexible cape. Happy Shopping!

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