More Fun with Laser Pointers and Action Figure Pics

I had so much fun taking pictures of the figures in my laser pointer how-to post that I spent the next day looking for more guys to shoot. I’ll spend a little less time on the how-to’s here, as it’s pretty simple to get really nice shots using a laser pointer as a primary light source.

The shot above is the Marvel Legends Icons Ultimate Ghost Rider. It’s always been relatively easy to light up the translucent flames on his head – here, I used my cell phone and tablet with a flashlight app for some backlighting highlighting his head. What I used the laser pointer for is to get some additional light on Ghost Rider and his bike to simulate light coming off the flames. I aimed the laser at my cheap DIY reflector and beamed it back onto him. Would have liked to get a little more spread (his arm didn’t get any of it) but I still like the effect.

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How to Use Laser Pointers for Dynamic Action Figure Lighting

There’s so much to love about MatthewK’s photo reviews. I spent some time talking with him about his setup and process, and one thing we discussed was how he creates lighting effects for things like laser beams or jet pack flames, like you can see in the “Space Ace” portion of MattK’s Masters of the Universe Classics Vykron review. The secret, he told me, is tiny LED lights – that and a whole lot of patience. Basically, he sets up in darkness, opens the shutter on his camera, triggers his flash for the basic lighting, and then draws the lighting effect he wants. The patience is key, because it takes a lot of tries to get it just right.

Since I am a pretty impatient guy, I thought I’d try something simpler. I found some action figures and accessories that I could try lighting with a couple of simple laser pointers that my wife picked up for me. So, while you won’t be getting laser beams in this article, you might still find some pretty cool looking action figure pictures – I’ll explain how I set up each shot so you can try it for yourself.

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DC Universe Classics Legion of Doom

I’ll admit that when I was a kid watching reruns of the Hanna Barbera Super Friends cartoon, I never really gave any thought to the Legion of Doom. For me, it was all about the Super Friends. The bad guys just existed to give the good guys a reason to display their heroics – and in hindsight that may have been the basis for the show to begin with.

Growing up with these characters in comics, cartoons, and movies, it slowly started to change. The bad guys became more interesting. I started understanding their motivations, and even started rooting for them. DC Universe Classics, with an assist from its predecessor DC Super Heroes, has let me reassemble the Legion of Doom in plastic form. Stack them up against the DC Universe Classics Super Friends, and tell me you don’t want the bad guys to win!

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DC Universe Classics Mirror Master Headlines Matty Sales Day on 8/15 and Young Justice 2-Pack Gets a Reprieve

It’s sales day on – something I often and gladly forget because I’m subbed up like a toy gangsta – and DC Universe Classics Mirror Master from Club Infinite Earths is the headliner. Here’s the link to the handy August 15 bundle page. Due to our arch-enemy, Logistics, there’s no figure from the Club Eternia subscription, but if you still need a Masters of the Universe Classics fix, you can pick up this month’s figure from the 30th Anniversary sub, Sir Laser-Lot.

I’m not a big fan of the design Geoff Johns came up with when he was 8 years old. To some of you I know that means I’m a cranky old guy who doesn’t doesn’t know how to have fun with toys (yes, I also was underwhelmed by Vykron). But to each his own – if you’re a Laser-Lot fan, I’m glad Mattel made him for you.

Also, with Young Justice subscriptions at the halfway point to hit the minimums for the green light, Mattel extended the sub order window by 2 weeks – and delayed the ship date (only if YJ fans buy enough, we keep getting reminded) by three months. I’ll keep hoping that Mattel eventually gets to the point where they’ll do a true pre-order – that means no thermometer – because it will mean they’ve made a good enough product that they trust we’ll buy in mass quantities.

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