Mad Monday Sale Starting 6/27

Mattel’s Mad Matty Monday (whew that’s a mouthful) is on – right now, in fact! If you’re willing to plunk down $40 plus shipping for a random grab bag, you could hit it big! If I didn’t have the Club Eternia subscription for Masters of the Universe Classics, I’d probably pick up one of those. Since figures are $20 and up, you’d be getting $40 easy – unless they saddle you with 3 sets of stands – but they’ve already said each pack would exceed the $40 mark.

It applies even more so for Ghostbusters, since there’s not an item in that brand that goes below $20. In the DCU brand, I’m more wary, because I only collect DC Universe Classics, and I’d just have to find other homes for JLU or Retro Super Heroes stuff.

Toy Fans,

Don’t like Mondays? Forget about it – I’m about to chase away those blues with my new Mad Matty Monday sale! What exactly is Mad Matty Monday? It’s a special sale that will happen on various Mondays throughout the year, whenever the mood strikes me. You never know what will be offered but it’s guaranteed to be insanely awesome, that’s why it’s called Mad Matty Monday!

The first one is June 27th and I’ve created three different product bundles. Each one will cost $40 plus shipping. No hints on what’s inside… they’re called Mystery Packs for a reason! I will guarantee, however, that each one has three items inside and the value of the pack definitely exceeds the $40 price. You’ll want to get there early because quantities on most of the items are extremely low.

There are no limits – you can buy as many of each one as you want and all packs purchased in a single transaction will ship together for even bigger savings. Here are the packs you’ll be able to choose from:

The sale starts Monday, June 27th at 9 a.m. PT (12 p.m. ET) and goes through July 11th at 8 a.m. PT, unless all items are sold out before then. Want reminders? Like all sales, I post them on Facebook, Twitter and in our Fan Forums. I’ll send an email reminder, too, so click here to register.

See you on the 27th – it’s gonna be crazy good!


P.S. Because of limitations on commercial shipments, this sale is only open to US customers.

via Online Store.

Ask Matty Q&A Round-Up for 6/15

Our Ask Matty Q&A from last week had gotten lost in the mail, but Toy Guru and the Mattel team came through for us. Thanks much, guys and gals!

1) Great reveal for DC Universe Classics wave 19 at MTV Geek. When will you be revealing the variant(s) for the wave? We were hoping for a fin-headed Atom or a yellow-cowled Hawkman.

Similar to wave 5 and 14, there will not be variants in this particular wave. It doesn’t count these ideas out, they just won’t be in this wave.

Continue reading “Ask Matty Q&A Round-Up for 6/15”

Easy DC Universe Classics Custom Batman

Yes, I’m positively batty for Batman…

I’m currently in the middle of a couple complicated custom jobs (that aren’t Batman related) and I decided that in my down time, waiting for something to cure, dry, etc., I should do something fun and easy that would actually go on my shelf. And as it turns out, I’ve ended up with my favorite custom Batman.

Continue reading “Easy DC Universe Classics Custom Batman”

DC Universe Classics Wave 18 Toyman

Matthew K has graciously provided a guest review of the DC Universe Classics Wave 18 Toyman, part of his ongoing series of wave 18 reviews. You can check out the previous installments for Samurai, El Dorado, and Black Vulcan, and discuss the wave in this thread at the Fwoosh.

DCUC Wave 18 Toyman

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Wave 18 Toyman”

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 6/1/11

Would you look at this? We made the deadline for the latest installment of Ask Matty. Big thanks to the folks at Mattel!

1) We’re pretty psyched to have Swamp Thing finally joining the DC Universe Classics line! Can you tell us more about the “endoskeletal” articulation – is that an existing DCUC body under there, or a new base just from Swamp Thing? Will the underlying figure have the standard DCUC points of articulation, like bicep, waist, wrist, and thigh swivels?

Swamp Thing articulation 6Swamp Thing articulation 5Swamp Thing articulation 1

>> See more pictures of Swamp Thing’s articulation

We’ve asked design if they can provide specifics. As soon as we get an answer back we will post it.

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 6/1/11”

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