Our friends at MTV Geek have got an exclusive first look at DC Universe Classics Wave 19 – the JSA wave!
Wave 19 will feature classic Wesley Dodds Sandman, Al Pratt Atom, Carter Hall Hawkman, Lord Naga from Kobra, Magog, Stargirl, and the Collect & Connect STRIPE.
Be sure to click through to MTV Geek for the full-size images and bios for each character.
Lately DCUC has featured themed lineups, to many a fan’s aggravation as they patiently wait to complete their various classic teams. While the upcoming Wave 19 is themed as well, it features mostly classic interpretations of the Justice Society of America and their villains. That’s right, a JSA wave – and we’ve got both the first pics AND the complete bios for all of the figures in the lineup, including a shot of the Collect & Connect figure: S.T.R.I.P.E.!
via MTV Geek Exclusive First Look: DC Universe Classics Wave 19! » MTV Geek.