DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Kamandi

DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Kamandi. For me, this is what this wave was all about and I still can’t believe he’s finally here. From the beginning of the DCUC line, I had hopes that Kamandi would appear in a wave, especially since it was Jack Kirby’s DC creations, Orion and Etrigan the Demon in DCUC 1 that hooked me on the line. In the back of my head I kept thinking, they made Orion, they gotta make Kamandi! Now 14 Waves (well I guess 16 by now) in, here he is, the Last Boy on Earth!

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DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Zatanna

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If you haven’t seen it already, we have a fantastic Guest Review of Zatanna from MatthewK that was posted on November 15th which covers everything about the DCUC 14 Zatanna with far more eloquence and clarity than I could muster. So in keeping with my previous minimalist reviews of DCUC 14, I’m going to let the pics do most of the talking for Zatanna today.

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