Three-Story Toy, Part 2 – Toon A Net

Brent has shared his latest strip with us, a three-part holiday comic. You can see part one here, and we’ll have the conclusion tomorrow on X-mas day. You may also remember The Twelve Days of a DC and Marvel X-mas comic that we posted this time last year.

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Three-Story Toy, Part 1 – Toon A Net

Brent has shared his latest strip with us, a three-part holiday comic. We’ll have the second part tomorrow and the finale on X-mas day. You may also remember The Twelve Days of a DC and Marvel X-mas comic that we posted this time last year.

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DC Universe Classics Custom Green Lanterns by Ibentmyman-thing and Buzzy Fret

DC Universe Classics modded Green Lanterns

We seem to be having a Green Lantern theme going on today, so I thought I’d post a quick picture of some of the mods that I’ve been getting done for my Green Lantern shelf.

  • Guy Gardner – I felt he really suffered between prototype and production with regard to the size of his head. Benty made a mold and cast it in wax for the natural shrinkage. Because it was in wax, he was able to mod the jawline before re-molding. Awesome paint work too!
  • Alan Scott – He suffered from big head-itis too, so Benty followed the same process by casting in wax. For Alan, I also asked him to close his mouth and bring forward his receding hairline just a tad. Benty painted the final cast too.
  • Hal JordanBuzzy already did a very nice write-up for his resculpt of Hal’s hair to achieve the modern look. I never saw the metallic Hal at Toys R Us, so when Buzzy found an extra I asked him if he would put on a cast of the modern head and paint it for me. I also asked him to raise the head a little, as Hal suffers from no neck-itis straight out of the box.

Big thanks to Benty and Buzzy for these awesome GLs! If anyone wants more pics, close-ups, comparisons, etc, let me know and I’ll snap some more pics!

DC Universe Classics Green Lantern’s Light 5 Pack Quick Pics

I’ve been holding off on the DCUC Wal-Mart Exclusive Green Lantern’s Light set because I considered the $60 price tag a little high and I was only really interested in Guy Gardner and Tomar Tu (I know Mattel called him Tomar Re, but he’s Tu for me). Last Tuesday (Dec. 14th) my patience paid off when I did my daily check up on the listing for GLL on Wal-Mart’s online store and saw that the set was on sale for $44 with “Free Shipping to Home”. I figured that was a pretty good deal so I pulled the trigger. The order details said it would arrive by 12/21 but I got a nice surprise when Fed Ex delivered it on the 18th! Woot!

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Poll: Will You Buy DC Universe Classics Wave 17 – the Rainbow Lantern Series?

It was just about three months ago when we posted the rumors about DC Universe Classics wave 17. There were some pretty strong reactions to the announcement (including this controversial response by Cliff Francis), but what we didn’t hear were any denials by Mattel or the Four Horsemen. Yesterday, Mattel confirmed the lineup.

After the pics, scroll down for our poll on whether you’ll be picking these figures up.

The Blackest Night is here!

Well the rumors this time are true! Wave 17 for DCUC is coming soon and it is our first step into the Blackest Night!

While we do have more Blackest Night concepts in the wings, this wave should help whet fans appetite for all the colored Lantern goodness!

Wave 17 will consist of Orange Lantern Luthor, Yellow Lantern Scarecrow, White Lantern Hal Jordan (with Black Lantern Variant), Violet Lantern Wonder Woman, Blue Lantern Flash and Indigo Lantern Atom. Together they will create a Collect and Connect modern Anti-Monitor!

And to answer the inevitable question, we did look into Red Lantern Mera. The only way to do her right is with a 100% tool and for that cost we can do 4 other figures. So while she did not make the cut this time around, we do know fans want complete sets and we are committed to one day getting her out there!

For now, a very happy holidays from all of your friends at and we’ll see you all in the New Year. Wave 17 will be on sale in late Spring 2011!

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