DC Universe Classics Custom Starfire

About a year and a half ago my good friend Xavion2004 said to me; “I’m really unhappy with the DC Universe Classics version of Starfire, would you be interested in making a custom of her for me?” and, feeling overconfident about my customizing skills at the time, I said; “Sure, she can’t be too hard to do.” Ha! 18 months and 3 revisions later, I finally finished her…

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Green Lantern Classics Wave 1

Canonball sends in a guest review of Green Lantern Classics wave 1. Previously, he wrote in about the CybCon 2010 Transformers event in Tacoma back in August. You can read more from him at Canonball’s Run. Thanks, CB!

Green Lantern Classics Wave 1 group (1103x1280).jpg

Just in time for the holidays, the first wave of the hotly anticipated Green Lantern Classics line has made its way to several online retailers and is shipping to fans as we speak. With the movie mere months away, this is a great way to kick off Green Lantern mania in 2011 and Mattel has delivered a solid set of figures representing a fairly wide cross-section of the Green Lantern universe.

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DC Universe Classics Wave 18 – a Response by Cliff Francis

After we posted about the much-discussed rumored line-up for DC Universe Classics wave 18, we received this response from Cliff Francis. While I don’t often agree with his point of view, I do often find myself amused with how he tries gets his point across. On this topic, I think he has some interesting ideas. So, give it a read and see what you think!

You can also find Cliff at Costume Contumely, his blog about “Comic Books, Action Figures, and More.”

No news isn’t always good news. The lack of information regarding Mattel’s upcoming plans for the DC Universe Classics line has led to a lot of anticipation, confusion, and anxiety in the collecting community. Knowing that I have a lot of contacts inside the industry, many collectors have naturally approached me to find out if I know what’s going on. To be clear: I don’t have any inside knowledge about the current state of this line. But that in itself merely adds to the mystery since I’m usually kept pretty well in the loop.

The latest rumor dumped in our laps is yet another possible character assortment for wave 18. Not long ago I gave ActionFigurePics my view on the leaked list for wave 17 and I am happy to oblige once more.

I must preface this by saying that this list HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED. However, unlike several other “leaked lists” for wave 18, this one has not been explicity denied by anyone at Mattel or the 4H Studios. Thus, by ommission, we shall operate under the assumption of the list’s veractiy.

So what are we getting?

The Super Friends.

Oh, how I wish they would die.

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Wave 18 – a Response by Cliff Francis”

Fodder or Fill-Ins – Some Great DC Universe Classics Deals on Amazon.com

Robokillah was telling me yesterday that Amazon had taken down their pre-order pages for some of the upcoming DC Universe Classics waves, so I went to check out what was still available. And while DCUC wave 16 and Green Lantern Classics wave 1 are only available through Amazon partners (and for substantially higher prices), what I did find were a few figures from previous waves being priced to move.

So, if you’re a customizer and are looking to add some fodder, or a collector who’s been cherry-picking the line, here’s a chance to add some more figures at a bargain.

There’s other deals too, but these three are eligible for free shipping if you hit the $25 mark. Happy hunting!

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