I’m not quite sure how, but trs from the Fwoosh, who got us some really early packaged pics of DC Universe Classics wave 11 almost a year ago, has done it again. Now he has got his hands on what is probably one of the first sets of the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 14 in the United States – at least not ones that fell out of the back of a truck in China.
He is guessing that these will start hitting Wal-Marts within the next two weeks. He particularly liked how Zatanna turned out, and I’m inclined to agree!
I’ll hold off on my final thoughts until I have these in hand, but I am concerned about a trend of larger heads. Guy Gardner has giant head syndrome from the Green Lantern’s Light 5-pack, and OMAC has it from wave 15. Here it looks like Alan Scott and Obsidian have it too. Could be hereditary, in their case. 😉
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