DC Universe Classics Custom 70′s Style Batman

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I was very happy with how my custom All-Star Batman turned out, so for the past few months, I’ve been buying Mattel Public Enemies and select DC Direct Batman figures for express purpose of creating more Batman customs. Finally after months of procrastination, I buckled down and made the first (well, second if you count my custom All-Star Batman) in this custom series – Classic 70’s Style Batman!

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AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 11/1/10

Hey Mattel fans – it’s time for the newest Q&A session of Ask Matty! Thanks to Toy Guru and the gang at Mattel, and happy Monday!

1) Superman/Batman: Apocalypse was recently released, and featured Ed Asner reprising his role as Granny Goodness. What’s it going to take to get a Granny Goodness figure in DC Universe Classics?

Increased fan demand. When the “Crisis on Two Earths” DVD came out there was skyrocketing demand for the Crime Syndicate but that died down soon after. We’ll have to see how Granny’s appearance in this DVD plays out with fans in the long run.

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DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Packaged Pics

DC Universe Classics Wave 14 - half case (900x1200).jpg

I’m not quite sure how, but trs from the Fwoosh, who got us some really early packaged pics of DC Universe Classics wave 11 almost a year ago, has done it again. Now he has got his hands on what is probably one of the first sets of the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 14 in the United States – at least not ones that fell out of the back of a truck in China.

He is guessing that these will start hitting Wal-Marts within the next two weeks. He particularly liked how Zatanna turned out, and I’m inclined to agree!

I’ll hold off on my final thoughts until I have these in hand, but I am concerned about a trend of larger heads. Guy Gardner has giant head syndrome from the Green Lantern’s Light 5-pack, and OMAC has it from wave 15. Here it looks like Alan Scott and Obsidian have it too. Could be hereditary, in their case. 😉

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