DC Universe Classics Wave 15 OMAC

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OMAC from DC Universe Classics Wave 15 gives us a glimpse of “the world that’s coming” and apparently it’s full of big heads, huge eyes and maximum mohawks! For those too young to remember, OMAC – One Man Army Corps – was another of Jack Kirby’s creations for DC Comics in the 1970’s along with New Gods, Mr. Miracle, The Demon and Kamandi. OMAC is basically a revamp of the Captain America concept, but instead of WWII or even present day, OMAC’s stories are set in the near future or as Kirby phrased it in every issue; “the world that’s coming!”

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DC Universe Classics Hal Jordan 2-Up Auction to Benefit Mattel’s Children Hospital at UCLA

Here’s the official announcement of the auction for the DC Universe Classics 2-up of Hal Jordan, sponsored by the Four Horsemen and Mattel. This is truly a one of a kind collectible, and it’s for a great cause. So break out that checkbook and bid! Good luck!


One official, fully painted DC Universe Classics Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) 2-up prototype figure is be being auctioned right now to benefit the Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA!!

This is your chance to own a one-of-a-kind piece of DCUC memorabilia! No DC Universe Classics 2-up prototype has EVER been officially released to the public, so that makes this one very special event for a very worthy cause.

This is the only item EVER to be autographed by the Mattel DCUC design team AND all of Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios!

Just go here to bid: http://www.charitybuzz.com/auctions/MattelUCLA/catalog_items

Be sure to tell all of your friends about the auction, and if you’re going to be bidding yourself – GOOD LUCK!!


Green Lantern Classics Manhunter and Mongul Auctions

AFP reader Shadow Contact did us a solid and sent us something we can post on a lazy Friday morning – aside from today’s CaptionFigurePics.com entry, that is.

So, if you’re one of those guys who can’t wait for figures that are going to hit retail in just a couple of months, then these eBay auctions for two of the first series of Green Lantern Classics are for you.

DC Manhunter Robot Universe Green Lantern W1 presale – $50 Buy It Now – ends Nov 19, 2010 07:57:23 PST

DC Sinestro Corps Mongul Universe Green Lantern presale – $40 Buy It Now – ends Nov 19, 2010 07:57:23 PST

The interesting thing about Mongul is that his forearms look to be from new tooling. The original pic sent to online retailers (which you can see here in the Amazon pre-order page – Green Lantern Classics Mongul Collector Figure) shows him with the original forearms from when he was originally sold in the DC Superheroes line. The new bracers look like standard Sinestro Corps issue that he was drawn with when he first got his yellow ring. I wonder who will be the first to customize him with an empty eye socket!

Let me know if you decide to pick one up!

Coming Soon – Charity Auction for DC Universe Classics Hal Jordan 2-Up

One official, fully painted DC Universe Classics Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) 2-up prototype figure will be being auctioned off for charity very soon!!
This is your chance to own a one-of-a-king piece of DCUC memorabilia!
No DC Universe Classics 2-up pro…

This is very cool – Mattel often has Four Horsemen 2-ups for DC Universe Classics on hand at shows like San Diego Comic-Con and Toy Fair to introduce new waves of figures. If you haven’t had a chance to see any of these in person, they’re really gorgeous, as they feature the awesome 4H sculpts and are painted by hand.

Found these pictures of the Hal Jordan 2-up on the DC Universe Classics Archive.


One official, fully painted DC Universe Classics Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) 2-up prototype figure will be being auctioned off for charity very soon!!

This is your chance to own a one-of-a-kind piece of DCUC memorabilia!

No DC Universe Classics 2-up prototype has EVER been officially released to the public, so that makes this one very special event.

This is the only item EVER to be autographed by the Mattel DCUC design team AND all of Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios!

Be sure to keep checking back here for more details on this monumental event!


DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Martian Manhunter Hidden Feature Revealed

I’ve got the review of the DC Universe Classics wave 15 Sinestro Corps Batman up today, and I’ll have a full on review on the Martian Manhunter in a few days, but first, here’s a Martian Manhunter Mystery Revealed!

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Seems like old Uncle Matty has been keeping secrets again. My good friend, Xavion2004 dropped in to visit today and brought along a regular Martian Manhunter for me as I had gotten the alien featured variant version from Amazon. I told Xavion2004 that, instead of displaying both, I would probably modify the heads and hands to make them swappable. After Xavion took off for home, I decided to see just how much work it would be to do those mods. Little did I expect it to be easier than I ever imagined!

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