DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Sinestro Corps Batman

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And now it’s time for another exciting episode of ActionFigurePics.com’s “Later” Look at DC Universe Classics wave 15! Tonight’s episode: Batman – Bold n’ Spicy, Sinestro Corps Style!

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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 On Sale at Kmart 10/24 – 10/30

Wow! This is a great deal – at the $7.75 price,  it’s like we went back in time five or so years.

If I hadn’t pre-ordered, I would definitely start hitting my local Kmarts this weekend. I may still go to check out if I can find a J’onn with correctly matched large biceps.

So far we’ve reviewed RavenJack Knight – Starman and Jemm. Stay tuned for the Sinestro Corps Batman tomorrow!

DCU Wave 15 On Sale at Kmart 10/24-10/30

DCU Fans,

I know you’ve been waiting for the next wave of DCU products and your patience is about to rewarded … on Sunday October 24th, Wave 15 arrives at Kmart!

DCU Wave 15

Not only that, but in celebration of the 75th anniversary of DC Comics, all DCU Classics 6” figures will be on sale at a very special price of just $7.75 each for one week from October 24th through October 30th − ONLY at Kmart!That’s a megacolossal discount off the regular price of $12.99 each!

Remember, Wave 15 includes the gorgeous Fan Choice Raven figure. Here’s the complete list of figures in Wave 15 (as previewed back in May):

  • Golden Pharaoh − Complete your “Super Powers” collection! Golden Pharaoh is armed with his Pyramid Power staff and rocks a transparent purple torso and collar.
  • Classic Starman −Traditional version of Starman is well equipped with his Cosmic Rod and a Stellar Energy Pistol. Celestial crime fighting was never so much fun!
  • Modern Starman − The updated version of Starman lands with his trusty Cosmic Rod and features contemporary translucent parts.
  • OMAC − He’s not bad, he’s just built that way! Cyborg OMAC is rendered in dramatic detail in his first outing as an action figure.
  • Martian Manhunter − Two versions will be released, so it’ll be your turn to hunt the hunter for both the standard figure and the variant version with Martian head and “weapon” hand!
  • Raven − Stunning and smart, the Fan’s Choice winner comes to life as a magnificent action figure.
  • Sinestro Corps Batman − Commemorating his near-indoctrination into the dark side, our hero comes with a transparent Batarang ring construct.
  • Jemm − We’re fairly certain the Injustice Gang has their eye on MattyCollector.com as the Son of Saturn gets ready to make his first-ever appearance as an action figure.
  • Validus − Collect all 7 figures above to create this fearsome 9” Collect and Connect™ figure! Validus arrives with a crystal-clear head dome to reveal his heinously huge brain.

Starting in November, you’ll be able to find Wave 15 at our regular retail outlets. But why wait? If you head to Kmart on October 24th, you have the chance to be first on your block to own Wave 15 and get it at a huge discount!

— Matty

via MattyCollector.com Online Store.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Sinestro 2-Pack Auction Pics?

AFI poster AbominableDesolation linked to these two pictures of Hal Jordan and Sinestro hosted at auction image hosting site Auctiva (Hal | Sinestro) – could they be production samples of the upcoming Green Lantern 2-pack? Hal features a metallic paint job on the classic costume and painted pupils. Sinestro is on a new base body and looks taller, and looks to reuse the head and lower arms of the original figure from DC Universe Classics wave 3.

I was not able to find auction listings for these guys, so I can’t confirm what these are. Anyone know?

Update: AbominableDesolation provided us with links to the auctions (Hal | Sinestro) – thanks!

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 10/15/10

Hey Mattel fans – it’s time for the newest Q&A session of Ask Matty!  Thanks to Toy Guru and the gang at Mattel, and happy Friday!

1) It seems like Warner Bros. Animation has settled into a pretty regular schedule of 3 animated features a year. Next year they’ve got All-Star Superman, Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, and Batman: Year One on the slate. These would seem like a great match for toys – marquis DC characters in great stories. What are Mattel’s plans for toys for these animated features, and how do you decide whether you want to jump on board or not?

Sorry, it is way too early for us to discuss that deep into 2011 at this time.

2) We’ve often talked about how one of the ways DC Universe Classics has been able to succeed is that you’ve been able to re-use basic tooling in creative ways to make a wide variety of characters. Does that mean that characters or items that would presumably require a lot of new tooling, like Granny Goodness, or a Mobius Chair for Metron, would have a pretty tough time making their way into upcoming line-ups? What would be the best way to get essential characters for completing themes into the line – box sets? Online exclusives? Con exclusives?

There are plenty of uniquely tool’d figures in the DCUC line. Demon and Ares come to mind. Shared tooling just means that not EVERY figure needs a 100% new tool, but it doesn’t mean some won’t need that!

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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Jemm

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My order for DC Universe Classics Wave 15 from Amazon rolled in earlier this week so it’s on to our next installment of AFP’s First… um… well… “Later” Look at DC Universe Classics Wave 15! (Sometimes it’s tough being considered the red-headed stepchild of Fwoosh ;-)) Today we’re looking at that tall, red, Saturnian; Jemm!

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