AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 10/1/10

Hey Mattel fans – it’s time for the newest Q&A session of Ask Matty!  Thanks to Toy Guru and the gang at Mattel, and happy Friday!

1) You’ve told us that a Masters of the Universe Classics vehicle is planned for late next year. Have you started the product design process? How has the Four Horsemen’s Battle Ram influenced what you will produce for the line?

MOTU Battle Ram (1200x900).jpg

We have begun preliminary design work. The Horsemen “pitch” vehicle was more of there way of saying, “We can do vehicles too,” since they did not do the vehicles in the 200X line. We are excited to have them on board as we review which vehicle to do!

You can find more pics of the Battle Ram prototype in our SDCC 2010 coverage of the Four Horsemen.

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DC Universe Classics Wave 17 – a Response by Cliff Francis

After we posted about the much-discussed rumored line-up for DC Universe Classics wave 17, we received this response from Cliff Francis. While I don’t often agree with his point of view, I do often find myself amused with how he tries gets his point across. On this topic, I think he has some interesting ideas. So, give it a read and see what you think!

You can also find Cliff at Costume Contumely, his blog about “Comic Books, Action Figures, and More.”

No Pot Of Gold At The End Of Mattel’s Rainbow

Did you enjoy the DC Universe Classics 6” action figure line by Mattel and the Four Horsemen? Did it take the place in your heart as THE DC Comics action figure line of all time? Did you have fun tracking down new figures and anticipating ones to come? Well I hope you got a lot of satisfaction out of it because it’s over.

Done. Finished.

It comes to and end next spring when Mattel will ship wave 17.

You think I’m joking?

Then clearly you haven’t been paying attention to the recent (as yet unsubstantiated) leak of the character assortment for that wave.

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Wave 17 – a Response by Cliff Francis”

Is DC Universe Classics Wave 17 the “Rainbow Lantern” Wave?

Online retailers have just put up their pre-order pages for DC Universe Classics wave 17 – see the order pages for AFP sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Enchanted Toy Chest, for example – and while they are staying mum, possibly until mid-January, the speculation on the internet about the line-up is running rampant.

Continue reading “Is DC Universe Classics Wave 17 the “Rainbow Lantern” Wave?”

DC Universe Classics Green Lantern’s Light 5-Pack Available at

If you are still looking for the DC Universe Classics Green Lantern’s Light 5-Pack, Wal-Mart has made it available for online purchase, including the free site-to-store shipping offer if you have a Wal-Mart close by.

>> DC Universe Green Lantern Action Figure, 5-Pack – $59.97

Can’t make up your mind? Check out my review for more pics and my thoughts on the Green Lantern 5-pack.

Blue Beetle and Blue Devil –

Bill has shared his latest Action Figure Comic with us. You can see more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.

And, be sure to enter our CaptionFigurePics contest for a chance to win a Marvel Universe AIM Soldier – we’ll publish the winner next Friday!

Blue Beetle and Blue Devil -

Continue reading “Blue Beetle and Blue Devil –”

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