Action Figures in Amazon’s Fall Blowout Sale

Amazon is holding a Fall Blowout Sale and they have 81 action figures on sale. The list includes a couple of figures from DC Universe Classics, Avatar, NECA, Transformers, and DC Direct, among others. Here’s a couple I saw that looked interesting:

Happy shopping!

Wal-Mart Exclusive DC Universe Classics Green Lantern’s Light 5-Pack

Green Lantern 5-Pack (1200x676).jpg

It was at Toy Fair earlier this year when I first saw the 2-ups for Guy Gardner and Tomar-Re – two essential characters from the Green Lantern comic books that hadn’t yet been made in DC Universe Classics. I was psyched – Guy was my most wanted GL, and Tomar-Re is a classic Green Lantern. Now that I have them in hand, with John Stewart, Hal Jordan, and Sinestro in his Green Lantern duds, I wish I could tell you I was more pleased with the set.

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Back to School Progressive Sale Through 9/30 –

Starting this Labor Day weekend, Things From Another World is holding a progressive sale. This week, the discount on sales items, including action figures, is 40%. Each week through the end of the month, the discount increases to top off at 70% off. In toys, there’s over 300 items on the sales list, including DC Direct Blackest Night, DC Universe Classics, Marvel Select, Marvel Universe, Halo, Star Trek, and much, much more. The real trick is how long to wait – do you want to hold out for a bigger discount and risk the item selling out?

Here’s some of the action figures I saw in the sale:

Happy shopping!

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Results: Green Lantern Classics Top Ten Poll

I deputized Hagop for this write-up of the Green Lantern Classics Top Ten results. But I made him give me back the Brown Lantern ring when he was done. Thank you, Hagop!

And thank you to all of you voters – we had over six thousand total votes, making this the most popular Top Ten to date.

The world of Green Lantern has probably never been more popular than it is today. That world has also expanded greatly over the last few years, with story arcs like the Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night. If there was any doubt about that, just take a look at our Top Ten; just over half of the winners aren’t even Green Lanterns at all! Whoda thunkit?

Without further ado, let’s get to the winners.

We start of with a tie. It was a heated campaign that went all the way down to the wire, with positions switching back and forth even in the final hours of voting. Stel and Brother Warth were right in it until the end. But when the poll closed, Soranik and Saint Walker each had 168 votes to share the #10 spot.

10. Soranik Natu 168 votes

She may be Kyle Rayner’s love interest and Sinestro’s daughter, but make no mistake – this woman stands on her own. Soranik is tough, smart (a neurosurgeon, for crissakes!) and a Corpsmen as capable as they come.

I think her chances of getting a figure are pretty high, considering she’s become one of the primary GLs in recent times, and her costume would need almost zero new tooling.

10. Saint Walker 168 votes

“Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and-” Er—wait. No. I mean, “All shall be well.” Yeah, that’s it.

Walker: Odym Ranger is visually dynamic and was a key player in Blackest Night. If you can only have one Blue Lantern, you probably want him. I’ll be truly surprised if he doesn’t appear in the second wave of GL Classics.

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AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 9/1/10

After missing a round (kind of) two weeks ago, we’re back with our regularly scheduled Ask Matty. Thanks to Toy Guru and the team and Mattel!

1) Great showing at San Diego Comic-Con! Many of the 2-ups shown from DC Universe Classics wave 16 and Green Lantern Classics featured double elbow and double knee joints. Is the plan to carry that through to production? I think the new joints would break up the sculpt less when posing (no awkward break in the knee cap, for example) and would provide more posing options.

Wave 16 - Azbats and Robin (1200x1200).jpgWave 16 - Creeper (1) (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (8) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Amon Sur (1) (899x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Manhunter (2) (901x1200).jpg

We are adding more articulation to some figures where appropriate.  We don’t want to cut up the Horsemen’s sculpts just for the sake of articulation; only when it works for the characters.

See more pics of DCUC 16 and GLC here: San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel DC Universe Classics – Updates

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