Reminder: Last Day to Vote in the Green Lantern Classics Top Ten Poll

It’s the end of August, and our Top Ten poll to pick our most wanted Green Lantern-related characters for Mattel’s Green Lantern Classics line is closing at the end of the day. There is a very tight three-way race going on at the bottom of our poll – throughout the past couple of weeks it’s been interesting to watch them trade positions pretty much every day. So, your vote can definitely make a difference.

We’ll have the write-up of the results in a couple of days. Don’t forget to vote today!

DC Universe Classics Custom Green Lantern Tomar-Re

Yes, I know that Mattel is releasing a Tomar-Re with the DC Universe Classics Green Lantern’s Light 5-pack that should be hitting Wal-Mart any day now. From a customs standpoint, I’ve had a recent streak where customs I’ve made or commissioned have been cruelly announced as upcoming retail figures by Mattel – see Sinestro and Riddler from Giants of Doom, our group entry to CustomCon 26. But in Tomar-Re’s case, it was deliberate.

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Custom Green Lantern Tomar-Re”

DC Universe Classics Wave 14 and Green Lantern 5-Pack First Looks –

In case you missed them this week, VeeBee posted a series of First Looks at the Fwoosh for four of the figures from DC Universe Classics Wave 14 and the Wal-Mart exclusive Green Lantern’s Light 5-pack. I’ll post a few of the pics here, but you really should check out those First Looks. Let’s start off with the original boy who lived.


So, I am on cloud nine about FINALLY having this figure, and I know I have not been waiting as long as some who read the original issues as they were published. So, if you actually don’t like Kamandi – neener-neener! We have a Kamandi figure!!! If you don’t know about him – do some reading! And if you still aren’t convinced, you have to get him to build your Humanite.

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Series 14 Kamandi |

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Wave 14 and Green Lantern 5-Pack First Looks –”

Green Lantern Classics Wave 1 Available for Pre-Order on

Green Lantern Classics - C&C Arkillo (1) (1200x1200).jpg

Arkillo can’t believe it either! Just like DC Universe Classics Wave 16, Green Lantern Classics, Mattel’s new DC Universe Classics sub-line, is available for pre-order on now too. Time to do some army building and order multiples of Manhunter and Low/Maash!

Green Lantern (8) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Black Hand (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Amon Sur (1) (899x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Manhunter (897x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Maash (1) (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Low.jpg

The GLC Wave 1 figures are $14.99 each and marked with an estimated ship date of January 1, 2011.

>> More on Green Lantern Classics Wave 1: San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel DC Universe Classics – Updates

DC Universe Classics Wave 16 Available for Pre-Order on

Wave 16 - Azbats (900x1200).jpgWave 16 - Creeper (902x1200).jpgWave 16 - Jonah Hex (900x1200).jpgWave 16 - Mercury (900x1200).jpgWave 16 - Riddler (900x1200).jpgWave 16 - Robin (900x1200).jpg


DC Universe Classics Wave 16 with the Collect and Connect Bane is available for pre-order on Buzzy pointed out that most places don’t allow you to specify which version of Robin you want Amazon didn’t allow you to specify the variant for previous waves, like with Starman in Wave 15 (fixed per Buzzy’s comment).

They’re all listed with a ship dates of January 1st or January 5th. At $14.99 each with Amazon’s free shipping over $25 deal, seems like a good time for me to put in a pre-order.

>> More on DC Universe Classics Wave 16: San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel DC Universe Classics – Updates

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