AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 8/17/10

I should know this by now, but Matty can be very strict when it comes to deadlines, even when those deadlines fall on the Sunday the weekend after Comic-Con when we’re still recovering. In other words, we missed the submission deadline for questions this installment – and judging from what I’m seeing for round-up links, so did a few other folks.

Luckily, we had a round of answers from a previous installment that we missed. Unluckily, this was from the weeks leading up to San Diego Comic-Con, so there’s a bit of a time warp effect…

1) The carded pics of DC Universe Classics Wave 14 are a lot of fun – I love Ultra-Humanite’s head peeking out of Hourman’s package, and the placement of stickers that allows that. Quick question on the names you put on the packages – we know you said that the Obsidian name is held by another company now, but we’re still curious why you went with Green Lantern instead of Alan Scott? John Stewart and Katma Tui had their names on the package.

DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Alan Scott Green Lantern card.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 14 Gold card.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 14 Hourman card.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 14 Kamandi card.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 14 Obsidian card.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 14 Tyr card.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 14 Zatanna card.jpg

At the end of the day, DC Comics lets us know what name to use on package. Sometimes, like with Obsidian, a name may not be available for a toy (if another company owns the trademark, for example) and we will work with DC on an alternative name.

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Poll: Green Lantern Classics Top Ten

Wave 14 (2) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (3) (899x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (5) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (6) (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (8) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Amon Sur (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Black Hand (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Low (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Maash (1) (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - C&C Arkillo (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Manhunter (897x1200).jpg

Between upcoming figures in DC Universe Classics, the Green Lantern 5-Pack, and the Green Lantern Classics line (of which one series is still to be revealed), you may think Mattel has tapped out the GL franchise when it comes to comics-based figures. How wrong you would be!

In honor of the 75th Anniversary of DC Comics, we’ve compiled a list of what we consider the 75 top candidates for Green Lantern action figures, from classic to modern, and from humanoid to not even close to being from this planet – and a planet itself!

Your job is to pick the Top Ten characters you want made into action figures. Submit your vote for up to ten characters listed below. The poll will stay open through the end of August, and we’ll announce the results a couple of days later. Let’s convince Mattel to make Green Lantern Classics Waves 3 and 4!

You can discuss this Top Ten poll in this thread at the Fwoosh. Big thanks to WeaponXII and Piffy for compiling the character roster and pictures for the poll.

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ToyFare 158 with DC Universe Classics Legion of Super-Heroes On Sale 8/11

Some of you remember that the DC Universe Classics Legion of Super-Heroes reveal was announced way back in May when Previews provided the solicitation for this issue of ToyFare.

The five LoSH figures gracing the awesome cover were on display at San Diego Comic-Con, but I’m still looking forward to hearing more from Toy Guru and Bill Benecke.

ToyFare #158: On Sale 8/11!

Get excited, people! It’s nearly New ToyFare Day, and here’s what you have to look forward to behind that gorgeous Mattel DC Universe Classics Legion cover…

  • It’s the biggest thing ever to hit the red-hot DCUC line…literally! Find out how the mammoth Legion of Super-Heroes 12-pack came together, straight from Mattel’s Scott Neitlich and Bill Benecke.
  • Fans are going crazy for Transformers’ new Power Core Combiners figures, which put the fun of a Combiner in every single figure! We talk to Hasbro about the challenges of engineering the line, and what fans can look forward to next!
  • Speaking of Combiners, we take a fond look back at some of our favorite combining robots throughout toy history!
  • It’s the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, so in Twisted ToyFare Theatre, our favorite Troopers are taking a field trip to beautiful, scenic Hoth! Featuring Wampas, hot tubs and my new favorite TTT character…Dash Rendar! His name is Dash Rendar, people!
  • Plus, new toys in Incoming, an interview with Kick Ass’ John Romita Jr., the return of Customizing 101 and much more!

via ToyFare #158: On Sale 8/11! « Blog.

DC Universe Classics Custom Giants of Doom – Bizarro, Sinestro, Toyman, Captain Cold, and the Riddler

Legion of Doom (1200x674).jpg
Captain Cold, Toyman, the Riddler, Sinestro, Bizarro, and the rest of the Legion of Doom

The DC Universe Classics Giants of Doom entry in CustomCon 26 started with my desire for a more scale-accurate Sinestro. As that custom came together, I started feeling the pangs of nostalgia-fueled desire for a complete Legion of Doom. Thoughts for how to improve current figures (Sinestro and Captain Cold) and how to add the missing ones (Toyman, Riddler in spandex, and Bizarro in a classic style) kept forming, but I knew I would never get around to making it happen. So I did what I will probably do from now on – I recruited a dream team of customizers from AFP and the Fwoosh – Buzzy Fret, Ibentmyman-thing, and Robokillah.

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Best of San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Sandman

Here’s my top three “Best in Show” at SDCC this year!

3) Green Lantern Classics

Green Lantern (8) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Low.jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Manhunter.jpgGreen Lantern Classics - C&C Arkillo.jpgMattel DC Panel - Ch'p teaser

I had not bought monthly comic books in a long time, but the Blackest Night storyline got me coming back every month when the series was still going on. Green Lantern has been on a roll lately, and with the movie coming out next year, it’s high time that Mattel finally gives this corner of the DC Universe it’s due. Seriously, the Green Lantern Corps alone could fill up a couple of waves, now that we have a rainbow spectrum of corps, there are lots more characters to choose from!

We got to see a double knee-jointed Kyle Rayner, Arkillo, Low(one of my favorite sculpts!), Maash, and Manhunters at the Con and boy do they look great. I can’t wait until they get to Atrocitus, Saint Walker and Arisia! Also this line is just full of potential army builders. You can expect collectors to pick up multiple Manhunters, and customizers to pick up multiple base bodies to create their own corps members. It’ll be an exciting time for Green Lantern toy fans next year! And woohoo for that preview Ch’p pic!

>> View the SDCC Green Lantern Classics gallery

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