Vote for Shaggy Man in the 2010 DC Universe Fan Choice Poll

If you were wondering where the Toyfare poll for the 2010 DC Universe Fan Choice was, you’re probably in good company – it was nowhere to be found on the revamped Wizard World / Toyfare site. But thanks to you favorite search engines, I found the poll, which for the first time is to pick the Collect & Connect figure, for DC Universe Classics wave 20.

Out of the choices available, the smart money is on Nekron – he was the big bad in the recent ultra-popular Blackest Night miniseries, and anything Lantern-related is hot right now, with the potential Green Lantern blockbuster movie starring Ryan Reynolds due out next summer. If Mattel was a risk-taking company (they’re not), they would probably be tooling up old Nekron as we speak.

But I want us to show Mattel that we can make the unexpected, better choice. So I’m making an impassioned plea to you, to vote for Shaggy Man in the DC Universe Fan Choice Poll for 2010.

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Best of San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Buzzy Fret

There was so much cool stuff revealed at SDCC 2010 it almost makes me cry when I think of how broke I’m going to be this next coming year. Mattel, for one, is really gonna give my wallet a pounding. Even though so much cool new stuff was shown, it wasn’t hard for me to pick my “Top Three Best from SDCC”.

3) The Four Horsemen’s new Symbiotech line!

Symbiotech 4.jpgSymbiotech 3.jpgSymbiotech 1.jpg

These immediately grabbed my attention with the first pic Ron posted of the Tygos & Tygolith prototypes. I’m normally not a fan of 4″ action figure lines but a line designed by The 4H with cool anthropomorphic  4″ characters coupled with huge and equally cool looking anthropomorphic characters = WIN! Can’t wait to hear more updates about Symbiotech from the Horsemen.

>> Check out the Four Horsemen’s SDCC Gallery

Continue reading “Best of San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Buzzy Fret”

Poll: Would You Buy DC Universe Classics Characters You Already Had If They Were Re-released with Updated Articulation? – Round 2

DSCN5452.JPGWave 16 - Robin (1) (901x1200).jpgWave 16 - Creeper (1) (900x1200).jpgGreen Lantern (8) (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Kyle Rayner new articulation (901x1200).jpgGreen Lantern Classics - Kyle Rayner new articulation (1) (902x1200).jpg

After reading our San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – Mattel DC Universe Classics – Updates, AFP reader chisd made this comment about the updated articulation we saw:

Mattel, if ur listening, please……the wave 16 robin is soooo fine, with the extra articulation and all that stuff. BUT please, do not make the following waves (wave 17, 18, 19…) and the re-issues the same articulation with wave 16 robin. If you do that ALL our previous collections (wave 1,2,3,4…) MUST all be replaced with the “new trend” of these articulations. We dont wanna re-buy new batmans, supermans, etc just to be abreast with the new Dick Grayson robin. If you do that, it will be a burden to us collectors. It means we have to collect again. I just wish we could finally end our collections with the same line and same articulations. I have many collections already. I aint that rich.

A couple months ago, after Sandman showed off his Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle, we ran a poll asking if you would buy DCUC figures you already had if they were re-released with updated articulation. The results were interesting. Over 1/4 of voters said definitely no. A little less than that, over 1/5 said definitely yes. The remaining folks said it would depend.

Now that we’ve seen more prototypes feature double-jointed elbows and knees, and hinged wrists, it’s time to ask the question again. If you voted in the previous poll, you won’t be able to vote again. So if you’ve changed your mind, or just feel strongly about the articulation updates, leave a comment below.

Mattel San Diego Comic-Con Exclusives on Sale on 8/2

Don’t forget – Monday at Noon EST, Mattel’s exclusives from San Diego Comic-Con go on sale on Here’s the link to the bundled page.

Orko and Plastic Man sold out at the show first, and I imagine some people who got Orko at SDCC will be trying for this version too, because it doesn’t have the semi-translucent appearance that the Con-only color-change version does. Good luck!

Missed SDCC? Get Some of the Hottest Toys on 8/2!

Toy Fans,

Well, 2010 SDCC is over, but that doesn’t mean the chance to buy toys featured there has gone for good! As promised, we’re offering a limited number of some of the top SDCC products for purchase here at on Monday, August 2nd. Be here at at 9 a.m. PT (noon ET) for your chance at these collector gotta-gets:

These are the exact same products offered at SDCC, except the Starro Spores and Plastic Man suitcase aren’t available, and Orko doesn’t have the color-change features. Want a reminder sent to your inbox? Click here to sign up for email!

— Matty

via Online Store.

San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – the Complete Picture Gallery Guide

So we’ve been back from Comic-Con for a week, and boy do we have tons of pics to share with you all! To help you guys and gals navigate our galleries, we’ve prepared a summary with links to make browsing easier! Here we go!

First off, you can find the San Diego Comic-Con gallery under Events in our Galleries section. Click on 2010 San Diego Comic-Con and you’ll see all the different galleries for each company and a couple of non-toy galleries too.

Continue reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2010 – the Complete Picture Gallery Guide”

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