San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Most Wanted – Sandman

The 2010 San Diego Comic-Con is one day away and we’re writing down the things we are looking forward to the most! If you’ve never been to Comic-Con, I have to say it is one of the craziest places to be if you’re a fan of comic books, movies, television and most important to us: TOYS!

In this “Super Bowl” of geekdom, we get a lot of first peeks at various companies’ future toy releases. Here’s what I’m looking forward to seeing!

Masters of the Universe Classics (Mattel)


We got a lot of good stuff from this line this year. Last year Battle Cat was the star of the Con for me, as was seeing Teela and Trapjaw. This year they are supposed to show the same amount of figures they showed last year and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us! I’m hoping to see Man-E-Faces, Panthor, Mantenna and maybe some vehicles!!

>> Read more about Masters of the Universe Classics

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The Next Toys R Us DC Universe Classics Exclusive Is… Nightwing?!

All-Star Nightwing
All-Star Nightwing

Holy TRU Exclusive!!! Is Nightwing the next Toys R Us DC Universe Classics redeco exclusive? Along with the Green Lantern, Flash and Batman exclusive figures, Toys R Us has posted a listing in their Online Store for Nightwing!

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San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Most Wanted – Buzzy Fret

Damn, how I wish I was going to SDCC! I’ve been the past 3 years and it was a blast every time! Alas, my situation is such that I am unable to attend this year.

The Venture Bros. (Bif Bang Pow!)

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I’m very intrigued to see what Bif Bang Pow! has in store for The Venture Bros. line. I’m a big fan of the show and was very excited earlier in the year when I heard they had gotten the license to the characters and were making articulated action figures of Rusty, Brock, The Monarch and Dean. Unfortunately the pics of the early prototypes left me more than a little cold. But they were “early” prototype pics, so I’m hoping that BBP! has tweaked the designs to bring the figures more in line with the art of the show. The pics of the SDCC Exclusives of Monarch’s minions (they like that better than “henchmen”), 21 and 24 have given me reason to believe that BBP! has done so. The fact that 21 and 24 are SDCC Exclusives is just another dagger of regret in my heart from not being able to jet out to the left coast this year.

>> Read more about the Venture Bros. line

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DC Universe Classics All-Star Green Lantern (Metallic TRU Exclusive) Quick Pics

TRU-Green Lantern 020.jpg

Sandman21xxi did an in-depth review of the DC Universe Classics All Star TRU Exclusive Green Lantern last month but since I picked a couple up recently and everyone is gaga for Green Lantern these days, here are some Quick Pics!

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AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 7/15/10

Here we go – it’s the last Ask Matty session before SDCC – and I’m afraid we didn’t do all that well getting the guys at Mattel to spill any surprises. Because of the show, there won’t be another Q&A until August 15th. Send in your questions, because I’m doing a lousy job at it!

1) Since this is the last Q&A before San Diego Comic-Con, can you give us some hints about the new figures that you plan to show from each line (without giving too much away, of course)?

Getting info out of Matty is like pulling teeth! (Yeah, I know, that was horrible.)

For MOTUC, much like last year, we’ll be showing items through the first 2011 figures. For GB Classics, we will show  about three to four new figures. For DCUC, we will have at least two waves of six-inch figures as well as some surprises. For JLU, we will show at least the remaining 2010 product, which includes the “skipped over” wave of JLU singles including show accurate Red Tornado and OMAC.

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