AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 4/30/10

We had a few questions after the Attack of the Show! reveals that Toy Guru and the folks at Mattel have answered. Thanks guys!

1. Great reveals on Attack of the Show! Some questions of the “grand daddy” of items, the DC Infinite Heroes Starro exclusive – does the large Starro feature any articulation or is it flexible at all? Now that you’re giving us Starro for the DCIH line, how does that affect our chances for getting an even bigger Starro in the DC Universe Classics line, as a Collect and Connect, for example?


DCIH Starro 2.jpgDCIH Starro 3.jpgDCIH Starro 4.jpgDCIH Starro.jpg

Starro is made of rubber-like material and has metal rods similar to Clayface. While this Starro does not take the place of a possible Collect and Connect, we did purposely make him so he would work with any number of DC lines. That doesn’t mean we would not revisit him again one day in the 6-inch line!

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Masters of the Universe Classics She-Ra, Ghostbusters Peter Venkman, DC Universe Classics Wave 5 and More On Sale June 15

Mattel has posted details on its June 15th sale date. With the late addition of DC Universe Classics Wave 5 (the first Wal-Mart exclusive wave) to an already loaded line-up, it’s bound to be a day full of fast sell-outs.

6/15 SALE: She-Ra™, 6” Peter Venkman™ & More

Toy Fans,

When it comes to our June 15th sale, there’s only one question: who says girls can’t kick booty just like the boys? One look at our long-awaited She-Ra™ figure and you know they truly do have the power! She’s not alone, though, because June also brings us big bad boo buster Peter Venkman™, plus JLULobo, and other toughies.

Here’s the complete list of products we’ll have for sale on Tuesday, June 15th (as always, subject to change):

The sale starts here at at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific).

via Online Store.

DC Universe Classics Wave 13

DC Universe Classics Wave 13 is here at last! After getting inundated this past Fall and Winter with DCUC 10, Color of Fear, Justice in the Jungle, Superman/Batman Public Enemies, DCUC 11 and finally DCUC 12, the last 2 months waiting for DCUC 13 to ship has seemed like a long dry spell to me. I guess if I had picked up the DCUC Versus MOTUC sets I would’ve gotten a little fix to tide me over. Alas, I have no MOTUC monkey on my back, just a King Kong-sized DCUC jones. Luckily Enchanted Toy Chest got their shipment from Mattel last Tuesday (April 20th) and blasted out orders the same day! My set arrived this past Friday (April 23rd) and my DCUC need was fed.

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DC Universe Classics Wal-Mart Wave 5 on Delayed to June

Back in March, Mattel had announced that the Wal-Mart exclusive DC Universe Classics Wave 5 would be available for sale on on the May sales date. (See the original announcement below.)

Today they announced on their Facebook page that this would now happen in June.

DCUC Fans, wanted to let you know that due to a logistics issue, the sale of Wave 5 is moving to our June 15th sale.

June 15 will be a crazy sales date, with DCUC Wave 5 added to a line-up that already has the Masters of the Universe Classics Keldor and She-Ra figures.

DCU Wave 5 Is Alive!

DCU Fans,

Back in 2008, we released Wave 5, which was an instant success and subsequently pretty hard to find. If you missed your chance, mark May 17th on your calendar, because Wave 5 is coming back!

This release is identical to the one in 2008 − same package, same decos, not a single change to the figures. Like all our boxed sets, these are individually carded figures packed into a single box. The set has the five figures you need to build a 9” Collect and Connect™ Metallo figure. Take a look inside and you’ll find these classic characters ready to rock your collection:

  • Eradicator
  • Black Lightning
  • Amazo
  • The Riddler
  • The Atom

Don’t want to miss your shot at this fan-favorite? If you’re not registered yet for emails, and I’ll send you a reminder. You can also follow me on Twitter where I post reminders.


via Online Store.

Mattel San Diego Comic-Con Exclusives – Official Details and Pics


Mattel has released the official descriptions and pictures of their San Diego Comic-Con Exclusives that they announced on Attack of the Show (part 1 | part 2). They promised more reveals, and they came through with previously unannounced exclusives for Cars and Justice League Polly Pockets.

I’m psyched about face-hugger Starros for my DC Universe Classics Justice League, but is it weird that I’m excited about the dentist’s chair that comes with Mo-Larr? 🙂

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