AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 4/15/10

No Magic 8-Ball this time around – here’s the straight up answers from Toy Guru and Mattel. Thanks guys!

1. If the demand for Masters of the Universe Classics at mass market is strong enough to support a retail line, what would that mean for and the long-term plan for MOTUC ? Would you want to continue the MattyCollector program with monthly releases with the long-term roadmap intact, or would you have to pull some figures forward to build out the mass market assortments?

Masters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 01 (1024x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 02 (1024x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 03 (769x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 04 (766x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 05 (1024x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 06 (1024x1024).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 07 (1024x768).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics - DC Universe Classics 2-packs 08 (1024x768).jpg

If we ever brought MOTUC to retail, it would most likely be only in a movie year and would only be re-releases and repaints with fewer accessories (one head only, one weapon only) within a new pack-out pose in order to keep the original releases special . The plan, at least now, would be to continue the new figures with multiple heads and multiple accessories on a monthly basis on, even if re-releases are available at retail.

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Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics and DC Comic-Con Exclusives – What You May Have Missed

Update: Toy Guru has posted details on Mattel’s Facebook page. His comments are quoted below.

DCIH Starro.jpg

I was lucky enough to be able to watch Mattel’s reveals for their San Diego Comic-Con exclusives on yesterday’s Attack of the Show, but it all went by so quickly. So I took a few screen caps to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Probably still did, so let me know of any glaring omissions.

Starro DC 75th pack

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Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics and DC Comic-Con Exclusives Announced on Attack of the Show

On Attack of the Show today, Blair Butler visited Mattel’s Toy Guru, aka Scott Neitlich, to get the skinny on Mattel’s San Diego Comic-Con exclusives. Without further ado, here’s what was revealed:

  • Masters of the Universe Classics Skeletor and Mo-Larr from the Robot Chicken sketch – we saw this set at Mattel’s collector event at Toy Fair. Skeletor is missing a tooth, like he is at the end of the sketch.
  • Masters of the Universe Classics Orko – comes with a Prince Adam “accessory.” Adam, a fully-articulated figure, was positioned in the package sideways below Orko, obscured partially by standard packaging. When you dip Orko in hot water, he turns transparent and “disappears.” When you dip his spellbook in hot water, the SDCC logo appears. I imagine the SDCC logo is exclusive to the version that will be sold at SDCC, but I’m not sure if Orko’s disappearing act is also exclusive to the show version.
  • DC Universe Classics Plastic Man – he’ll come with attachments, with the suitcase as the SDCC exclusive piece. His head and arms plug into the suitcase.
  • DC Infinite Heroes Starro and Justice League 5-Pack. This will be a bendable Starro that looks like it could be 12-inches tall, and comes with the original Justice League in what looked to be Infinite Heroes scale – Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman. In addition, there’s mini-Starros that look to fit on the faces of both the DCIH pack-ins and DC Universe Classics figures.

Stay tuned for another AOTS segment on the 15th!

Marvel Legends Custom Hercules and Loki

Marvel Legends Dangerous Deities 2-Pack

At some point late tonight or tomorrow, Casimir at Raving Toy Maniac is going to publish the final day of CustomCon 25, and my meager entry, called Dangerous Deities, will get posted. I promised Casimir that I would have this recipe page up by the time that came around, but since I’m not quite sure when he’ll push the button, this is going up at Midnight CST.

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WonderCon 2010

WonderCon 2010 - Cosplay 1 (1200x900).jpg

To be completely honest, I wasn’t even going to bring my camera to WonderCon at first. My wife and I were only going to be able to go for a few hours one afternoon, and although WonderCon is organized by the same folks who handle San Diego Comic-Con, it doesn’t attract the the toy manufacturers like SDCC does. As we were getting ready to walk out the door, I thought, why not?

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