Reminder: Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man, Stratos and More On Sale 3/15

Monday is the sale date for March, and Mattel has been warning that while they’re working on the issues with Digital River, we’re likely to see the same kind of performance this month. For more details see this post on Facebook about Moss Man’s production, this post about 3/15 sales info and this post about the Club Eternia subscription process on the forums. The net – fixing the production numbers and ordering issues will take some time.

So put on your hard hat and get ready to hit the “bundle” page to make your ordering just a little bit easier. Good luck!

3/15 Sale Reminder: Moss Man®, Stratos® & Scarecrow

Toy Fans,

A quick reminder that our next sale is coming up on Monday, March 15th! Click on our convenient “bundle” page and here are the figures you’ll find:

The sale starts at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific), so be sure to mark your calendar. I can also send you a reminder email, so if you haven’t registered yet, click here!


P.S. You can also follow me on Twitter and get reminders there, too.

via Online Store.

DC Universe Classics All Star Nightwing and Toys R Us Exclusive Batman


DC Universe Classics All Star figures are hitting the toy aisles! Mattel and Toys R Us have dropped a surprise exclusive Batman on us and Nightwing is one of the All Stars currently shipping in DCUC 12 cases. It’s exciting to see Mattel using the All Star platform to release variations of popular characters as well as older/hard to get figures. Hopefully we’ll see the elusive DCUC 5 figures get the All Star treatment soon.

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How To Create Your Own Photo Backdrop

Photo Backdrop - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1198x1200).jpg

I was chatting with some of the guys about taking pictures of action figures – a hobby near and dear to my heart, in case you hadn’t noticed. We got onto the subject of backgrounds. I’ve used plain dark backgrounds for dramatic lighting and plain light backgrounds to highlight the figures. And there’s guys like Sandman, who build elaborate sets for his photo shoots – see Sandman’s recent pictorial reviews for some mind-blowing shots.

There’s another type of background – the photo backdrop. A simple photo backdrop can provide the effect of a three-dimensional environment without having to build one. That’s the subject of this how-to article.

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Mattel DC Universe Classics Waves 13 and 14 Update

Mattel has posted a couple of DC Universe Classics updates on the Facebook page. First, a quick update on the modern Cheetah variant for DC Universe Classics 13. The deco has been revised to add a black top and black leggings to represent her most recent look. For posterity, I included the original 2-up prototype shot on the right.

DC Universe Classics 13 - Cheetah (modern) - revised.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cheetah (modern).jpg

Here is the final version of Modern Cheetah. We do have plans for the all animal skin version, but not in Wave 13. Stay tuned!

Mattel also posted pics of the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 14. Although I knew Zatanna’s hat was removable, I hadn’t seen a pic with her hat off.

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Superman Batman Public Enemies Quick Pics

Superman Batman Public Enemies (1200x1200).jpg

We’ve had more in-depth reviews of Superman Batman Public Enemies (see the review from Buzzy Fret and a guest review from Studmuffin), but since I recently completed the Brimstone Build-A-Figure that was split over two waves of these figures, I wanted to take a few more pics. Overall, I think this series works well enough as a standalone line. If you’re a fan of animated-styled figures and the ongoing McGuinness lines from DC Direct, you may find these complementary.

Continue reading “Superman Batman Public Enemies Quick Pics”

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