Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man and Stratos, The Dark Knight Scarecrow, and DC Universe Classics Wave 12 On Sale 3/15

It’s just over a week away, so be sure to mark your calendars, set your alarm clocks, and bookmark the all-in-one sales page. This sales date may turn out be just as crazy as February’s.  There’s no Battle Cat this time, but Mattel still managed to make something that is sure to attract a lot of traffic. When they decided to make the running change to unflock Moss Man’s ears, they managed to finish production on a very limited number of Moss Man figures with flocked ears.

Because this variant will be very rare, we’re sure to see the folks who would have preferred flocked ears, completists on the line, and Scalp-or wannabes storming the site on Monday the 15th. Even though I’ve got a Club Eternia subscription, I’m bummed because I may have to fight my way through anyways, to get a reissued Stratos – he’s the only one I’ve skipped so far.

3/15 Sale Reminder: Moss Man®, Stratos® & Scarecrow

Toy Fans,

A quick reminder that our next sale is coming up on Monday, March 15th! Click on our convenient “bundle” page and here are the figures you’ll find:

The sale starts at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific), so be sure to mark your calendar. I can also send you a reminder email, so if you haven’t registered yet, click here!


P.S. You can also follow me on Twitter and get reminders there, too.

via Online Store.

Mattel Publishes Schedule Through June

As promised in our last Ask Matty Q&A, Mattel has published the schedule for its upcoming products through June of this year. No big surprises, but the Masters of the Universe Classics re-issues for each month were revealed: Stratos, Hordak, Mer-Man, and Faker will all get their “The Original” tags.

Product Release Schedule Through June

Toy Fans,

We do our best to plan when products will be released, but sometimes the production and delivery gods have other ideas. We’ve been doing a bit of the release date shuffle lately and thought it would be helpful to print our complete schedule through June:

MOTU Classics: Stratos® (re-issue)
MOTU Classics: Moss Man® – Flocked Ears
MOTU Classics: Moss Man® – Unflocked Ears
(Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
DCUC Wave 12 Boxed Set (Darkseid)
The Dark Knight Scarecrow

MOTU Classics: Wun-Dar™ & Map of Eternia®
(Club Eternia™ subscribers only – items not available for sale)
MOTU Classics: Hordak™ (re-issue)
MOTU Classics: Evil-Lyn® (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
MOTU Ultimate Battle Ground Weapons Pak
Ghostbusters™ 12″ Peter Venkman™
The Dark Knight Batman (Night Vision)

MOTC Classics: Mer-Man® (re-issue)
MOTU “Oversized”: Tytus™
MOTU Classics: Optikk™ (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
Ghostbusters™ 6″ Walter Peck™ (with containment unit)
The Dark Knight: Two-Face

MOTU Classics: Faker® (re-issue)
MOTU Classics: She-Ra™ (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
Ghostbusters™ 6″ Peter Venkman™ with Slimer

As always, these dates are subject to change, but we’ll let you know as soon as we know if anything changes.

Happy collecting!


via Online Store.

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 3/1/10

Here’s the latest Ask Matty Q&A.  Thanks to Toy Guru and Mattel!

1. Great reveal for the Wal-Mart exclusive Green Lantern 5-pack. Some quick questions: Is that Tomar Re or Tomar Tu? Is John Stewart’s Mosaic costume the one that matches Katma Tui’s from Wave 11? Will GL Sinestro have a mask, and if so, is it sculpted or just painted on?

DC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Tomar Re (768x1024).jpgDC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Guy Gardner 01 (766x1024).jpgDC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Guy Gardner 03 (1024x1024).jpgDC Universe Classics Wal-Mart 5-Pack - Guy Gardner 05 (1024x1024).jpg

It is Tomar Re. The other outfits and look of the remaining three characters will be revealed shortly.

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 3/1/10”

Q: What’s Better Than Storing Your Action Figures in Big Plastic Tubs? v2

A: Actually having space to display them! 🙂

A few months ago I wrote about having to dismantle my “toy room” because we had decided to put in new carpet, and then about getting to put together a new and improved display. This past weekend, I put the finishing touches on some upgrades.

Lights (1200x902).jpg

Continue reading “Q: What’s Better Than Storing Your Action Figures in Big Plastic Tubs? v2”

First Look – DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Two Packs –

In case you missed it in our Toy Fair coverage of Masters of the Universe Classics, He-Man and Skeletor are making a return to big box retailers. They’ll each be paired with a big hitter from DC Comics, in DC Universe Classics vs. Masters of the Universe Classics two packs. He-Man will be paired with Superman, and Skeletor will be paired with Lex Luthor.

VeeBee has a first look, but even better – these have already started to hit at Toys R Us, where these are exclusive. Good hunting!

Right off the bat, I have been in love with the idea of these sets since we first caught wind of them just befor New York Toy Fair earlier this month. I mean c’mon – these are just the logical next step, the natural progression. Mattel has been rocking the collector sect with their amazingly-Four Horsemen DC and MOTU lines for a couple of years now so to find a way to bring them together is like a nostalgia overload for the children of the 1980s. It makes perfect sense since DC Comics did publish a run of Masters of the Universe comics back in the early 1980s and that is the road Matty used to bring them all together. Furthermore, this is MOTUC’s very first venture off of and into the retail aisles, that is a very exciting prospect in and of itself.

via First Look – DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Two Packs |

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