DC Universe Classics Custom All-Star Batman by Buzzy Fret

… or more affectionately titled; the G.D. Batman.

First off I have to give Ron props. I loved his CustomCon 24 DC Universe Classics Earth 2 Customs and they (especially the Robin and Batman) were a big part of the inspiration for making this G.D. Batman. If you haven’t seen them, definitely check ’em out.

Public Enemies Batman headswap - GD BM 004.jpg Public Enemies Batman headswap - GD BM 005.jpg Public Enemies Batman headswap - GD BM 006.jpg

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Toyfare 152 to Feature New DC Universe Classics, Marvel Universe, and Iron Man Figures

Toyfare #152 is the last issue to hit the stands before Toy Fair.  As such, Mattel and Hasbro have saved up some of their big reveals for the issue, which is due in comic book stores next Wednesday.  For those of you who can’t wait, a subscriber who received his issue early has given me some early intel of what’s between the covers.

DC Universe Classics – as they promised, Mattel has revealed an upcoming wave of figures.

DC Universe Classics – Obsidian, Zatanna, Hourman, Gold, Alan Scott, Tyr, Ultra-Humanite, and Kamandi

I won’t be posting scans of Toyfare – c’mon – just pick up your own copy! 🙂 – but I have picked images that reflect what was described to me.  With Obsidian, the Rex Tyler version of Hourman, and the Alan Scott Green Lantern, we’ve got some more Justice Society of America goodness coming our way, and fans of the classics will be glad to get Rex instead of Rick for Hourman.  I think a lot of fans will be pleased that Zatanna is in her top hat, tails, and stockings, but I’m concerned about getting a repeat of Black Canary’s legs.

Gold continues the Metal Men, Kamandi brings us a Toy Guru favorite, and Tyr continues the unofficial Super Powers theme for this year.  And, what can you say about a C&C Ultra-Humanite?  Giant gorillas are awesome.

[Update – Mattel has confirmed that this will be a Wal-Mart exclusive wave.  If it follows the pattern from the past Wal-Mart exclusives, the wave should not have any variant or chase figures.]

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DC Universe Classics Wave 12 Packaged Pics – Win a White Variant Mary Batson

My set of DC Universe Classics Wave 12 arrived the other day.  For now, here’s some packaged pics of the entire wave minus the Spectre glow-in-the-dark chase variant.  I’ve liked the packaging redesign since I first saw pictures of it, but having them in hand has made me appreciate it even more.

DC Universe Classics 12 - Eclipso card (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Eclipso card back (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Spectre card (901x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Spectre card back (901x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Copperhead card (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Copperhead card back (901x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Dr. Mid-Nite card (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Dr. Mid-Nite card back (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Desaad card (899x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Desaad card back (901x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Mary Batson card (901x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Mary Batson card back (901x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Mary Batson (white costume variant) card (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Mary Batson (white costume variant) card back (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Iron card (900x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics 12 - Iron card back (900x1200).jpg

I noticed after taking the pictures that the trade paperbacks I used to prop my camera up are reflected in some of the package fronts.  Oops!

So, as a little contest for a shot at my white-costumed variant Mary Batson, I’ll pick one winner at random from folks who leave a comment on this article that lists out the titles of the TPBs I used as a tripod-substitute.  The eligible folks will be the ones who correctly identify the most titles (there’s four in total – 3 comic book TPBs and 1 manual), and I’ll cut off the entries when we post our Mattel coverage for Toy Fair.

Take a close look, add a comment with your guesses, and good luck.  And while you’re at it, use the links below this article to subscribe to AFP!

Stay tuned for a closer look at wave 12, coming soon.

DC Universe Classics 12 (1200x961).jpg

First Look – Walmart Exclusive DC Universe Classics 2-Packs – ToyNewsI.com

TNI has posted several pictures of the upcoming Walmart exclusive 2-packs featuring Aquaman / Black Manta and Batman / Robin, all with new paint decos. I like that they’re reissuing the hard-to-find Aquaman, and with a very cool metallic set of scales. And fans of the Super Friends will get a Black Manta in the blue color scheme from the cartoon.

I’m not too keen on the Batman and Robin set. We’ve had too many Batmen using the original Detective Batman body (yes it’s the Public Enemies belt, but the glove and boot ridges give it away, plus the already smallish head would be even more pinheaded). And the Tim Drake red and green Robin costume has so many details that are off because Mattel used the unmodified original sculpt.  I understand the need to reuse, but I think this set needed a little more to make it worthwhile to collectors.

via Toy News International – Daily Action Figures Toy News, Reviews and Discussions.

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 1/29/10

The guys are back with what might be the last Mattel Q&A before Toy Fair.  Thanks to Toy Guru and Manic Mike!

1. We’ve heard of a lot of collectors getting the DC Universe Classics wave 11 Deadman variant in their shipments from online retailers, including MattyCollector.com (who had said that was the only figure not included in their sets). Were the production ratios off?

DCUC 11 Deadman 001.jpgDCUC 11 Deadman 004b.jpgDCUC 11 Deadman 006.jpgDCUC 11 Deadman 014.jpgDCUC 11 Deadman 022.jpg

This was an error in fans’ favor. Going forward the chase version in each wave will be only at retail and not in the MattyCollector.com sets.

[Editor’s note – for more pictures, check out Buzzy Fret’s DC Universe Classics 11 review – part 1 | part 2]

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