DC Universe Classics Collect and Connect Darkseid Scale Info from Four Horsemen

Here’s another item that I think will be filed in the “things must be pretty good if we’re complaining about this” category. The Four Horsemen are explaining why it actually makes sense that the DC Universe Classics Collect and Connect Darkseid is as large as he is.

I know the Horsemen mentioned Super Powers, but we all know that the reason Darkseid is in this line is because of his appearance in Cosmic Odyssey. 😉

Four Horsemen comment on Darkseid’s scale

This in from the boys in NJ:

Hi everybody, we’ve seen a lot of arguing and confusion surrounding the scale and size of the recently released Darkseid C&C figure. We thought that it might be helpful if we gave you guys some insight into where we came up with the final height of the figure. Darkseid’s classic height has always been listed at 7’6″. (Of course the modern version is listed as much bigger, but most fans have been vocal about getting the classic proportions.) The average DCUC figure is not 6″, but actually 6 and 3/8 inches tall. Proportionally the perfect height for a Darkseid figure representing 7’6″ is exactly 8″. We decided to use official stats since he has been drawn so many different ways over the years. (Even Jack Kirby’s depictions vary drastically from panel to panel!)

On a further note the Super Powers version is 5.5″ versus a standard hero height of 4.5″. Proportionately scaled, our figure is actually a little smaller than he should be to match the Super Powers size difference. Of course these guys are comic book characters, so what would any discussion be without a little debate, but we thought you might like a little insight into how we came up with our version.

via Facebook | Mattycollector.com: Four Horsemen comment on Darkseid’s scale.

DC Universe Classics Wave 12

DC Universe Wave 12 - Iron, Mary Batson, Darkseid, the Spectre, Eclipso, and Copperhead

Fwoosher disturbedwarrior was kind enough to shoot some pictures of his set of DC Universe Classics Wave 12 – the Darkseid Collect and Connect wave – at least until the batteries on his camera gave out.  For those of you wondering if these have already hit retail, they have not.  Mattel shipped some characters in solid cases to online retailers – Big Bad Toy Store still has Desaad and the two variants of Mary Batson available, but sold out of Copperhead.  Entertainment Earth got the same figures and still has Copperhead available.

Here’s disturbedwarrior’s thoughts on the Darkseid Collect and Connect:

Darkseid was a B***h to put together because of the plastic ring around the peg of the torso where you collect the lower body. I had to boil the two pieces to get them to connect.

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Wave 12”

AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 1/15/10

We’re back with the first round of Mattel Q&A for 2010.  Thanks to Toy Guru and Manic Mike!

1. We asked about the purple-suited Catwoman from the Gotham City 5 a few months back, and you indicated that while Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe figures were possible, there were other video games you might look at first. Now that a sequel to Arkham Asylum has been announced, how do you think Arkham Asylum figures would fit into the Mattel DC line up? How do you think the Arkham Asylum character designs would translate into toys?

Arkham Asylum Batman 1Arkham Asylum Batman 2Arkham Asylum Batman 3Arkham Asylum Batman 4

[Custom Arkham Asylum Batman by Doubledealer]

There’s no doubt the Arkham Asylum figures are incredible, but they are all 100% unique sculpts so there would be some slight issues getting them to toys. That does not mean it’s not out of the question, it’s just too early right now for us to comment on 2011 toys!

Continue reading “AFP Ask Matty Round-Up for 1/15/10”

First Look – DC Universe Classics Dr. Mid-Nite – TheFwoosh.com

I love DC Universe Classics, so don’t hate me when I say that sometimes it feels like these toys are coming out too fast.  It feels like I just got wave 11, and wave 12 is right on its heels.  DisThunder from the Fwoosh gives us a quick first look at Dr. Mid-Nite.  I can’t wait to add him to my JSA / Earth 2 shelf!

One of the things about Mid-Nite I’ve always liked is the clean yet striking look of his golden age costume. In fact, it was a deciding factor on whether I liked Pieter or not as well. There’s some really clean transitions here, the glove and boot-lines in particular, and some very good choices in color. Whereas guys like Commander Steel come off very metallic and glossy, Mid-Nite has nice dulled tones, the only bright spots his crescent moon clasps and his goggles- the latter having just a hint of metallic paint.

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Dr. Mid-Nite | TheFwoosh.com.

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