DC Universe Classics Custom Cosmic Odyssey Forager and Anti-Life Aspect Catchers

Cosmic Odyssey Forager and Batman with Aspect Catcher

If you’ve known me for a while, you might know what a big fan of Jim Starlin and Mike Mignola’s Cosmic Odyssey I am.  As a comic book mini-series, it’s got everything: big hitters from the DC Universe, New Gods, the possible destruction of our universe, and tragedy on both a planetary and personal scale.  And, as I have suggested to my toy-collecting friends, DC Universe Classics is the line Mattel created so they could produce all the characters from Cosmic Odyssey.  Surely enough, Mattel has continued making them – in the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 10, they made Forager, and in wave 11, they made John Stewart. (I’m still partial to the Cosmic Odyssey custom John Stewart that Robokillah made for me.)

However, when Forager and Batman teamed up to defend Earth, Batman had Alfred put together a black costume for Forager that was better suited for Batman’s work at night.  So when I had the opportunity to pick up another Forager (thanks again to VeeBee for the first one!) I knew I would have to do a quick custom to get him suited up in black.


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DC Universe Classics Wave 11 Part 1

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Wham! DC Universe Classics Wave 11 is here and collectors are getting them from e-tailers, retailers and MattyCollector.com. It’s literally raining DCUC 11! And what better way to rejoice than loading up AFP with a boatload of DCUC 11 pics, praises and nit picks!

I knew it was going to be a very Merry Christmas for me as the DCUC 11 set I ordered from Enchanted Toy Chest arrived on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately my wife was home from work already and decreed I couldn’t open the case until Christmas morning…

Before I get to the individual figures, I’ll go over some generalities about the whole set. First off all the figures for this Wave that I received are very well made. The plastic is good and sturdy feeling (compared to the Wave 9 figure’s plastic that had a soft, waxy feel). They all have nice tight joints and are easy to put into poses without fear of them toppling over and clearing out a row of figures on your shelf. The paint apps are pretty good, not as tight as DCUC 10, but nothing horrendous. Unfortunately almost every figure in my set has some kind of scarring on their faces. Wonder if this is widespread throughout the run? Other than that the quality is very good.

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First Look – DC Universe Classics Series 12 – TheFwoosh.com

It’s shaping up to be a Mattel-heavy New Year.  Since the start of the new decade, Salem Crow has written a guest review for the the WWE Elite Series figures, and Buzzy reviewed the DC Universe Classics Justice in the Jungle set and has wave 11 in the works.  I’ve got something DCUC-related planned for later in the week. And Mattel just released press pics of DCUC 13.

On top of that, the first looks are rolling in.

VeeBee posted the upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man yesterday, and today he’s got this – a look at some of DCUC 12, including the new packaging, the collectible pins, and a great look at Darkseid and his Killing Glove.

I’ll have to try to fit in something non-Mattel soon. 😀

Continuing on with our latest round of First Looks we have a peek at the first “half” of the brand new DC Universe Classics series twelve figures! There are lots of changes in store for this line in 2010 (mostly to help celebrate the 75th anniversary of DC Comics) and we are getting a packaging change over as well as a new collector pin promotion that will also cross-pollinate into some of Mattel’s other DC lines.

I have been really excited for series twelve since it was unveiled not long after San Diego Comic Con last year (I think it is the strongest overall assortment for my personal tastes since series nine) and today we will be looking at the figures of The Spectre (standard and variant), Copperhead, Mary Batson (nee Marvel) in her red AND white togs as well as my personal favorite of this bunch – Desaad!

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Series 12 | TheFwoosh.com.

DC Universe Classics Wave 13 Press Pics

Mattel has published the pics of DC Universe Classics wave 13 that originally started showing up on retailer sites a few weeks ago, but this set also includes the Collect & Connect Trigon as well as images of Cyclotron without his face plate.

It’s very interesting to see them move to double-jointed elbows and (perhaps) knees, as well as hinged wrists, on the modern Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle. I think if we asked Mattel (and we will), they would say that the make articulation decisions based on the character, using Green Arrow and his hinged wrists as an example. Jaime is definitely an acrobatic character, so the upgraded articulation makes sense, but I would like to see more characters articulated like him.

    DC Universe Classics 13 - Blue Beetle.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Blue Devil.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cheetah (modern).jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cheetah (vintage).jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cyclotron.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cyclotron without faceplate.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Cyclotron closeup.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Negative Man.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Negative Man (chase).jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Superboy.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Wonder Girl.jpgDC Universe Classics 13 - Trigon (Collect & Connect).jpg

  • Blue Beetle III – featuring some of the highest number of points of articulation in any DCUC figure to date!
  • Blue Devil -long overdue!
  • Modern Cheetah. A 50/50 variant.
  • Vintage Cheetah. A 50/50 variant.
  • Cyclotron. Anyone up for completing their original 1980’s DC toys in DCUC style? He will come with a base, not a Collect and Connect piece.
  • Negative Man. One step closer to the Doom Patrol.
  • Negative Man – chase figure.
  • Superboy Clone – at long last the Return of Superman saga is complete!
  • Wonder Girl adds to the Teen Titans line up!
  • Collect and Connect Trigon for Wave 13.

via Facebook | Mattycollector.com’s Photos – DCUC Wave 13.

DC Universe Classics Justice In The Jungle Two-Pack

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Wow! Sure seems like Mattel was trying their best to make it a DCUC Christmas this year! By the beginning of December DCUC 10 was out in force at Wal-Marts all over the USA, DCUC 11 was en route to or even partially in stock with many comic stores and online dealers and on December 15th the new MattyCollector.com exclusive DCUC Justice In The Jungle 2 Pack went up for sale. If you haven’t heard, the current scuttlebutt from Mattel is that this will be the last 2 Pack Exclusive offered on MattyCollector. Hopefully Mattel will come up with a new format for offering exclusive DCUC figures or at least some of the older, hard to find ones.

DCUC Justice in the Jungle Packaged Front DCUC Justice in the Jungle Packaged back DCUC JitJ B'Wana Beast in Package DCUC JitJ Animal Man in Package

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