If you’ve known me for a while, you might know what a big fan of Jim Starlin and Mike Mignola’s Cosmic Odyssey I am. As a comic book mini-series, it’s got everything: big hitters from the DC Universe, New Gods, the possible destruction of our universe, and tragedy on both a planetary and personal scale. And, as I have suggested to my toy-collecting friends, DC Universe Classics is the line Mattel created so they could produce all the characters from Cosmic Odyssey. Surely enough, Mattel has continued making them – in the Wal-Mart exclusive wave 10, they made Forager, and in wave 11, they made John Stewart. (I’m still partial to the Cosmic Odyssey custom John Stewart that Robokillah made for me.)
However, when Forager and Batman teamed up to defend Earth, Batman had Alfred put together a black costume for Forager that was better suited for Batman’s work at night. So when I had the opportunity to pick up another Forager (thanks again to VeeBee for the first one!) I knew I would have to do a quick custom to get him suited up in black.
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