The first set of DC Universe Classics retail figures will be offered on on December 23, not on December 15 with the huge amount of Masters of the Universe Classics, DC Universe, and Ghostbusters products. Arrival of the product is the culprit, although I suspect some people might be thankful for the short break to let the wallet recuperate.
The Wave 11 figures will *not* be repackaged, so you’ll be getting them on standard cards with the Collect & Connect pieces to build Kilowog. At eight figures, you’ll have an extra C&C piece from Steppenwolf, and the only figure you’ll be missing is the Deadman variant, with translucent arms and legs and glow in the dark logo and eyes – I didn’t know about the glow in the dark part before this.
At about $15 per figure plus shipping, I have to wonder how this will impact online retailers, many of whom have not received their orders outside of Deadman and The Question.
DCUC Wave 11 coming to!

Hey toy fans,
So big news! We will indeed be selling our first wave box set of DCUC 6″ figures on This great program will kick off with Wave 11. The box set will include standard carded versions of:
- John Stewart – with constructs
- Katma Tui – with constructs
- Shark
- The Question – Fan’s choice
- Deadman (standard version)
- Cyborg Superman (Sinestro Corps uniform)
- Steppenwolf Green
- Steppenwolf Red
Plus with all of these figs you’ll get all the parts needed to make the collect and connect Kilowog (truly one of the coolest Collect and Connect figures we’ve done to date!). While the set will include both variants of Steppenwolf, the variant of Deadman (clear legs and arms, glow in the dark eyes and logo) will be a retail exclusive, so you’ll still need to hunt for this one!
The set will break down to about $15.00 per figure (plus shipping). So for those who asked for better distribution at retail prices – your wish has been answered!
The set goes on sale Dec 23nd, only on! (and for those asking why we can’t sell this on Dec 15th with the other Dec product – the answer is simple; this is the soonest the set will arrive at our distribution center. If we pre-sold it on the 15th, it would hold up shipments of any other items you might order and that is the last thing we want!).
The set goes on sale at a special sale December 23rd, only on! Stay tuned for more details…
via Facebook | DCUC Wave 11 coming to!