From San Diego Comic-Con this past Friday, here’s our video of the Mattel’s Mattypalooza panel. The panel was understandably a bit light on the DC and Ghostbuster properties – DC Universe Classics is wrapping up this year with the Conner Kent Superboy, Damian Wayne Robin, and the Super Powers 6-figure line-up, and Ghostbusters has an anemic offering of the four Ghostbusters with removable Proton Packs – they had these tooled up in anticipation of making the Ecto-1, which sadly didn’t hit the pre-order minimum last year.
Most of the panel was devoted to Masters of the Universe – the bulk of which was focused on the “last year” of Classics (including the Snake Armor He-Man / Battle Armor King Hsss two pack and Skeletor’s Hover Robot 3-pack shown above), but also included a portion on the “franchise” outside of toys, mostly comic books. For the action figures, Toy Guru was a bit enigmatic on what we’d see after 2015 – he did say in the panel that 2015 would be the wrap-up of the vintage line, but that 6-inch might continue, just in a different way. For his comments, you can skip to about 44 minutes into the video.
What is also uncertain is the future of Mattel’s long-term collaboration with the Four Horsemen after 2015. Was Cornboy hinting at a change during his sentimental intro? What do you guys think?
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