DC Universe Online may be coming out early next year, now, but damn it, we’re still totally psyched for it! And you will be too once you peep our super-sweet cover featuring DC Direct’s statues based on the game. But inside the issue…ah, that’s where the good stuff is.
• We interview DC co-honcho (and comic […]
I know you’re all waiting to hear who won the latest DC Universe Classics Fan Poll, in which we voted on the Collect and Connect figure that will go to pieces in DC Universe Classics wave 20. I hope you all did the right thing and voted for Shaggy Man!

DC Universe Online may be coming out early next year, now, but damn it, we’re still totally psyched for it! And you will be too once you peep our super-sweet cover featuring DC Direct’s statues based on the game. But inside the issue…ah, that’s where the good stuff is.
- We interview DC co-honcho (and comic book legend, and DCUO Executive Creative Director) Jim Lee about the MMO, the statues, and his seeeecret character.
- Take a look at digital sculpting and 3-D printing – the technologies that could change the toy industry forever! (And maybe even make YOU the next toy-making star!)
- Learn about toys from the original Multiplayer Offline RPG with our retro look at Advanced Dungeons & Dragons toys from LJN.
- A new story begins in Twisted ToyFare Theatre! Skeletor has a simple plan to get He-Man to reveal his identity…and it involves taking him into a dream inside a dream inside another dream! What could possibly go wrong? Find out in Part 1 of “Inceptors of the Universe”!
- Over in Incoming, we’ve got your first look at the latest Mattel Movie Masters figure, plus more toys from Hasbro, NECA, Diamond and the (maybe not-so) shocking results of our DC Universe Classics Fan Poll!
Plus, we pay tribute to our amazing friend, and the toy industry’s most prodigious and amazing prototype painter, the late, great Eddie Wires.