Diamond Select Toys has just published a picture of the next Marvel Select figure – Cyclops in his Silver Age costume, or what I like to call condom-headed Cyke.
I know a lot of people like the Jim Lee Cyclops costume from the 90’s, but this look is still my favorite (although his costume in the Whedon / Cassaday run of Astonishing X-Men is right up there). So, if I were giving the art direction on this piece, I’d tell them to make the belt wider and the yellow trunks longer – they could accomplish this by putting the belt above the waist swivel. The X-buckle should be yellow inside, and the top of his visor should also have more curve. See? I’m nuts about this costume.
I also find the X-Factor variant an odd choice – given the pairing with Jean Grey, who was made in her classic Marvel Girl costume with a Rachel Grey variant, and the frequency with which we get Marvel Select figures, X-Factor Cyke will be unhappy and alone for a good long time. Maybe that’s fitting, because that’s in line with how he was during most of the original X-Men’s run in X-Factor. 😉
Complete the Happy Couple with Silver Age Cyclops
Oh come on, when we created the Jean Grey figure for Marvel Select you HAD to have known that a companion Cyclops wasn’t far behind. Well, here he is. We’ve also worked up a variant based on the first X-Factor outfit, but that’s for another post.
via Art Asylum Blog » Complete the Happy Couple with Silver Age Cyclops.