If you’re a fan of the Back to the Future 1/18 scale vehicles, Diamond Select Toys is completing the trilogy with the DeLorean from Back to the Future 3. My favorite was the one from Back to the Future 2, so I’m a little bummed I didn’t pick one up when it was available.
Sending you Back to the Future one more time
After the success of our previous Back to the Future time machines we are coming back with the best time machine from the entire trilogy! That’s right, the version that sent Marty back to the future for the last time. Featuring white wall tires, old west style time machine workings on the hood and a healthy coating of dirt and dust this will be the version you want to have. Just don’t let it fall into Eastwood ravine!
Nice – the army builder for Marvel Minimates 34 will be the Hellfire Club Guards, joining Cyclops, Beast, and Rogue – the other Minimates that have been announced.
If you think you’ve got the remaining figures for the series pegged (there’s 2 figures and a variant to go), post on Art Asylum’s Facebook page – they’re offering up zombies, maybe Marvel Minimate Zombies!
Art Asylum Next up in Marvel Minimates Series 34 is the wave’s army builder – Hellfire Club Guards!
Art Asylum So who thinks they can guess the remaining three Minimates? Get it spot on and win some zombies!
Rogue is joining the Jim Lee Cyclops and Beast in Marvel Minimates Series 4, which is shaping up to be a X-Men heavy series. I wonder who will have a variant and if there’ll be an army-builder.
Art Asylum Another Minimates Series 34 Reveal, and this one has some real Southern charm – Rogue!
Art Asylum is revealing its next series of Marvel Minimates (can you believe it’s already up to 34?!) one at a time on their blog, Twitter, and Facebook pages. The first two have been announced, and they’re Cyclops and Beast, in their Jim Lee costumes.
OK, so the 1:1 scale reference was a bit of a joke, because this isn’t a model or toy – it’s an actual DeLorean that’s been painstakingly modified to replicate the time machine from Back to the Future, and it’s available on eBay. If only I had a hundred grand and change sitting around.
This car is what you want, a car that looks exactly like what you saw in the film, with all the cool lights, sounds and buttons you thought the car in the film had (but never really did). People are often really disappointed when they see a prop up close. Movie props are designed to be filmed from a distance, but this car truly looks and feels “real” even up close.
Holy crap!! This is mindblowing! There’s a bunch of cool stuff about the car that I’d tell you about, but my eyes started to glaze over when I saw all the text.
The seller is hoping someone wants to buy this replica for almost $130,000. Here’s where the De-evolution part comes in: some people are dumb enough to spend that much money on a time machine car that doesn’t even work.