Seventh Kingdom – Baddathiir and Helm of Xaanm – Big Bad Toy Store Exclusives

7th Kingdom - Helm of Xaanm and Baddathiir - BBTS Exclusives
7th Kingdom - Helm of Xaanm and Baddathiir - BBTS Exclusives

Have I mentioned that I love the Pile of Loot feature at Big Bad Toy Store?  It helps offset one of the disadvantages of shopping online – the shipping costs.  Pile of loot lets you combine orders to bring your overall shipping costs down, with the added convenience of being able to place your orders separately.  The first order in your pile gets the bulk of the shipping costs, but as you add extra items whether it’s that same day or weeks later, you only get charged the incremental shipping.  When you can’t wait for your items anymore, you tell BBTS to ship your pile, and start over again.

Anyways, I just got my latest pile of loot, and right at the top were Baddathiir and the Helm of Xaanm, the BBTS 7th Kingdom exclusives from this year and last.  Since I’m cherry-picking the 7K exclusives again this year, I’ve been reviewing them in drips and drabs as I get them.  I got Queen Alluxandra and Isadorra at San Diego Comic-Con and the RTM exclusive Raavia and the Shield of Draumm a couple weeks later.

Continue reading “Seventh Kingdom – Baddathiir and Helm of Xaanm – Big Bad Toy Store Exclusives”

Order the Fwoosh Exclusive Kromius Action Figure by the Four Horsemen –

I know a lot of people have been waiting for the Fwoosh to put Kromius from this year’s Fantastic Exclusive up for order.  And, it’s really not my fault that it took so long – at least this time. 😀

Finally, the moment you’ve waited for has arrived!

You, yes, you, dear collector, can order a silver-skinned elemental from the Fwoosh – specifically, Kromius, our very own Fantastic Exclusive variant! Imagine the fun you’ll have romping and stomping around your toy room with… Uh, I mean, displaying this fine collectible in your museum-like gallery of action figure artwork.

via Order the Fwoosh Exclusive Kromius Action Figure by the Four Horsemen |

AFP’s Hasbro G.I. JOE Q&A – 9/19/9 and Pics

It’s been a few months since Hasbro’s answered any of our G.I. Joe questions, and in this round we still only received answers for two out of our three questions (submitted by Ray from the Fwoosh.)  But they make up for it by sending along hi-res pics of upcoming figures, including Target and Wal-Mart exclusives.

Update – the Hasbro PR team has sent over the answer to our first question.

1. Would it be possible to get pictures from the JoeCon slide shows? A lot of the pictures of the stuff from the JoeCon slide shows are hard to see and it be great if we could see nice quality versions of what was shown. They do this with Hasbro Star Wars con presentations, why not with Joe as well?

We really enjoy giving GI Joe fans who attend the conventions a sneak peek of the upcoming line at forums such as JoeCon, ComicCon and Toy Fair, however we prefer to distribute images when they more accurately reflect final production.

2. There’s some debate with Night Adder figure, is he supposed to have African American skin or is he wearing black spandex? Cause it would be strange to have tattoo’s on spandex. Plus his picture on the card art makes it look like he’s supposed to have African American skin tone. Is this a factory flaw and will it be corrected, or is it on purpose?

Night Adder is meant to be of African decent. His arms and torso are meant to be his skin covered with tattoos.

3. We’ve seen leaked pictures of a Python Patrol Televiper, and word was from JoeCon it’s probably nixed. Is there any chance of releasing it in the original Televiper color scheme? Since it has corrected more accurate body than the one came with the flight pod. Plus, the Televiper needs his gear, it’s very iconic and essential – you can’t have a communications trooper with out communication gear.

Unfortunately, there are no plans at this time.

And here’s the pictures:

GI JOE Air Viper with Rocket Pack Packaging (780x900).jpgGI JOE Storm Shadow with Arashikage Cycle Packaging (780x900).jpgGI JOE Cobra Viper Commando with Serpent Armor Packaging (780x900).jpgGI JOE Air Viper with Rocket Pack (1024x549).jpgGI JOE Wet Suit with Dragonfish (1024x731).jpgGI JOE Storm Shadow with Arashikage Cycle (1024x595).jpgGI JOE Cobra Viper Commando with Serpent Armor (1024x610).jpgGI JOE Snake Eyes City Strike Packaging (593x900).jpgGI JOE Conrad 'Duke' Hauser City Strike Packaging (593x900).jpgGI JOE Desert Viper Desert Battle Packaging (593x900).jpgGI JOE Ripcord Jungle Assault Packaging (593x900).jpgGI JOE Storm Shadow Artic Threat Packaging (593x900).jpgGI JOE Snake Eyes City Strike (1024x654).jpgGI JOE Conrad 'Duke' Hauser City Strike (1024x773).jpgGI JOE Desert Viper Desert Battle (1024x808).jpgGI JOE Ripcord Jungle Assault (1024x670).jpgGI JOE Storm Shadow Arctic Threat 2 (1024x822).jpgGI JOE Snake Eyes Vs. Storm Shadow Packaging (1024x683).jpgGI JOE Snake Eyes Vs. Storm Shadow (1024x385).jpg

Toys R Us $5 Off Purchase of $25 Coupon – Today Only

To promote its Facebook page, Toys R Us has a special $5 off coupon for purchases of $25 and over on This coupon is for today only!  It’s a nice deal, because they also have selected action figures on clearance.

Update – they’ve posted another coupon today, so keep checking back!

I am thinking about using the coupon to get the Honky Tonk Man for almost nothing. The exclusive version is just $6.98. This would be in revenge for our encounter at San Diego Comic-Con. VeeBee and I found him standing alone in the aisles and asked him to take a picture with us – we’re both old school wrasslin’ fans. He put his arm around VeeBee and then asked for $20. Well, I’m gonna buy you for $1.98! Take that, Honky Tonk!

We have added an exclusive facebook $5 off coupon on any purchase of $25 on to the coupon tab on our facebook homepage. Happy shopping!

via Facebook | Toys”R”Us.

Interview with Mattel Associate Brand Manager Scott Neitlich – Part 2

This Labor Day, we’ve got the second part of the interview with Mattel Associate Brand Manager Scott Neitlich that I got to sit in on with the Fwoosh’s VeeBee.  So, whether you are enjoying the extra day off of work or are chained to your desk because your boss is a jerk, read on to get the scoop on what Mattel is working hard on for their collector lines, including Masters of the Universe Classics, DC brands and Ghostbusters!

This article is reprinted from, and there’s a discussion thread here: Fwoosh Interview with Toy Guru!

You can read part one of the interview here: Interview with Mattel Associate Brand Manager Scott Neitlich – Part 1

Fwoosh: Okay, we will circle back to DCUC, but what about Infinite Heroes – what has been the reaction to the Anti-Monitor raffle?

Scott Neitlich: It has been phenomenal, we filled half of an arrowhead water jar with little proof of purchase points so there are a ton in there.

F (VeeBee): 25 of them are mine!

SN: Yeah, we had a gentleman win one the other day that had like, 2000 points.

F: He is a Fwoosher.

DC Infinite Heroes - 30-inch Anti-Monitor Raffle

SN: Yeah, so am I -really glad he won one, a lot of people were really dedicated to it, so it has been fun.

Continue reading “Interview with Mattel Associate Brand Manager Scott Neitlich – Part 2”

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