Fantastic Exclusive Gothitropolis Scarabus Interchangeable Face Plates

Not really much more to say than: INTERCHANGEABLE FACE-PLATES! Some people speculated, and yep, many of the face-plates are going to be interchangeable amongst the various heads (the goat & ram heads are not).
This was something that we didn’t expe…

We just posted what we thought was the complete recap of the Fantastic Gothitropolis Scarabus figures, but there’s more – interchangeable face plates for many of the figures. Very cool – now if the Four Horsemen would reveal the price per figure – I want to see if they’ll be in the range where army building is viable.

Not really much more to say than: INTERCHANGEABLE FACE-PLATES! Some people speculated, and yep, many of the face-plates are going to be interchangeable amongst the various heads (the goat & ram heads are not).

This was something that we didn’t expect when we sent the 2-up prototypes to the factory, and when the test shots came back from the factory like this it sparked an idea in our heads. We think you’re going to like the results. More about that soon.

Below are just a few examples of face-plate interchangeability. Please go to the SCARY-SHOTS thread on the FANtastic Exclusive message boards and let us know what you think!


Fantastic Exclusive Gothitropolis Scarabus Recap

Over the past two weeks, the Four Horsemen have been updating the Four Horsemen website with updates on the long-awaited Fantastic Exclusive from their Gothitropolis line. We’ll recap the lineup of all 10 figures, starting with the main man, Scarabus.

When we talked to the Four Horsemen at San Diego Comic-Con, they were very up front about the what’s taken so long for Scarabus to make it to production. Basically, it’s gotten very expensive to get figures with this level of detail and articulation tooled up. So they focused on other properties like Outer Space Men so they could eventually fund Scarabus.

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DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Zatanna

I was delighted to get MatthewK to sign up for a guest review of the upcoming DC Universe Classics Zatanna. I figure he owes me – his review of the WWRp Bramble is one of the main reasons I’ve had to double my toy budget this year. 🙂

sttibar ton dedulcni.

Thanks to the generous folks at Mattel and AFP, I have a (slightly) early sample of Zatanna from DC Universe Classics wave 14 to review.

This Walmart exclusive wave has just started hitting, but if you haven’t seen them yet, here’s some more thoughts and pics on Zatanna.

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SDCC Masters of the Universe Classics King Grayskull Retrospective

SDCC MOTUC King Grayskull 009.jpg

The release of the new deco Masters of the Universe Classics King Grayskull on is coming up fast, Monday, October November 15th to be exact! And with that in mind, I thought I’d do a quick little retrospective of the original King Grayskull figures that were sold at SDCC 2008 which signalled official start of Mattel’s fan favorite line, Masters of the Universe Classics.

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DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Hourman

DCUC 14 Hourman 024.jpg
The Cat, The Clock and The Owl

Wow, when it hits, it hits hard! Last Friday (Oct. 5th), Ron emailed that he was sending me a DCUC 14 Hourman that Mattel had sent to AFP for review and I was rendered giddy with excitement. The package must’ve caught a strong, east blowing wind because it arrived Monday (the 8th) and I went to ecstatic! This morning (Tuesday, the 9th) I got an email from fellow NE FL Fwoosher, Agent Orange in Jacksonville, about actually finding a case of DC Universe Classics 14! Holy crap, my head exploded! Before the morning was over, several of my Jacksonville based Fwoosh Bros had acquired their DCUC 14 sets and secured a set for me as well! Hopefully I will have them in my possession by this weekend.

Until then, lets have a look, a First Look for AFP mind you, at the Wal-Mart DC Universe Classics Wave 14 Hourman! Much thanks to the people at Mattel for sending this to us to preview for the DC Universe Classics fans!

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