Universal Licensing Deals – Mattel Gets Back to the Future and NECA Says Hello to My Little Friend

There was lots of buzz today about Mattel acquiring the rights to Back to the Future that originated, of all places, on the Shocker Toys Facebook page. Some intrepid Google searching confirmed that the deal was one among many new licensing deals for Universal. Speculation is already starting about whether this will be a MattyCollector.com line and if the Four Horsemen will be their design partner, as it is with Mattel’s other classic movie license for Ghostbusters.

Nestled within the licensing announcements was the news that National Entertainment Collectibles (aka NECA) has picked up Scarface. As much as I dig Al Pacino, I hope that we get some of the other characters in the movie. Has there been an action figure with Michelle Pfeiffer’s likeness yet?

A number of merchandise deals have been secured by Universal Partnerships & Licensing for properties including Curious George, Fast & Furious and Despicable Me.

The latest partners include:


Mattel for Back to the Future action figures, accessories and toy vehicles (worldwide)


National Entertainment Collectibles for Scarface action figures and accessories (worldwide)

via Universal Reels In More Than a Dozen Deals – License.

Results: Masters of the Universe Classics Top Ten Poll

For this article, I asked Ibentmyman-thing to change his name to Ibentmyman-tenna, and he agreed – as long as I acknowledged the greatness that is the Frank Langella Skeletor. Thank you, Benty!

And thank you to all who voted. With over six thousand total votes, this was another big Top Ten. And, I know there were some characters that were omitted, since the list was based on the figures that have seen plastic in the past. VeeBee has promised some follow-ups for these characters on the Fwoosh.

Credit: VeeBee

Okay ladies and gentlemen and He-fans of all ages, you’ve made your choices and cast your votes and now it’s time to see just how well your favorite Eternian champions and villains fared in the Top Ten voting.

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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Jemm

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My order for DC Universe Classics Wave 15 from Amazon rolled in earlier this week so it’s on to our next installment of AFP’s First… um… well… “Later” Look at DC Universe Classics Wave 15! (Sometimes it’s tough being considered the red-headed stepchild of Fwoosh ;-)) Today we’re looking at that tall, red, Saturnian; Jemm!

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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Jack Knight Starman

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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 is finally, slowly trickling in (check out Sandman’s quick pics of Raven)! I just checked my back order with Amazon and saw that part of it is “being processed for shipment”, so I’m salivating like Pavlov’s dog. My good friend, PeanutButterJellyMan recently picked up a Jack Knight Starman variant from an Amazon seller and then a few days later, got the one he’d forgotten he had pre-ordered from BBTS. Since PBJMan had an extra, he sent one to me to use as a little appetizer for the oncoming flood of DCUC 15. Much thanks, Bro!

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DC Universe Classics Wave 15 Raven Quick Pics


Hey y’all, here’s some Quick Pics of Raven from DC Universe Classics Wave 15. I couldn’t resist picking her up at my local comic book store. It was either her or the Martian. Ladies first, so I picked her up! She is awesome! I thought I would be bothered by her cape sculpt, but I actually like it!

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