First Look – Walmart Exclusive DC Universe Classics 2-Packs –

TNI has posted several pictures of the upcoming Walmart exclusive 2-packs featuring Aquaman / Black Manta and Batman / Robin, all with new paint decos. I like that they’re reissuing the hard-to-find Aquaman, and with a very cool metallic set of scales. And fans of the Super Friends will get a Black Manta in the blue color scheme from the cartoon.

I’m not too keen on the Batman and Robin set. We’ve had too many Batmen using the original Detective Batman body (yes it’s the Public Enemies belt, but the glove and boot ridges give it away, plus the already smallish head would be even more pinheaded). And the Tim Drake red and green Robin costume has so many details that are off because Mattel used the unmodified original sculpt.  I understand the need to reuse, but I think this set needed a little more to make it worthwhile to collectors.

via Toy News International – Daily Action Figures Toy News, Reviews and Discussions.

Superman Batman Public Enemies Wave 2 – Now With 100% More Batman!

but a lot less Superman…

Hate to stick another thorn in Ron’s jealous hide but a week of daily visits to Target here in Gainesville, FL has paid off this morning! I passed on the metallic Superman redux as I had already gotten the Brimstone part that came with him from fellow NE FL Fwoosher Superdoug and I just don’t need another Superman…

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Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man

I am hoping to have some pictures of the recent Masters of the Universe Classics figures from a very talented photographer whose MOTU collection is quite impressive, but in the meantime, I couldn’t resist snapping some pictures of my favorite hero from the line – Battle Armor He-Man.

The vintage figure was also one of my favorites when I was growing up.  I was enamored with the barrel mechanism in his chest that showed progressive damage when it was hit.  Between that and the spring-loaded waists on the figures, I had a lot of fun having fights between the Battle Armor versions of He-Man and Skeletor.

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - card (900x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - card back (900x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man (900x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - back (901x1200).jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Battle Armor He-Man - holding armor (900x1200).jpg

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DC Universe Classics Collect and Connect Darkseid Scale Info from Four Horsemen

Here’s another item that I think will be filed in the “things must be pretty good if we’re complaining about this” category. The Four Horsemen are explaining why it actually makes sense that the DC Universe Classics Collect and Connect Darkseid is as large as he is.

I know the Horsemen mentioned Super Powers, but we all know that the reason Darkseid is in this line is because of his appearance in Cosmic Odyssey. 😉

Four Horsemen comment on Darkseid’s scale

This in from the boys in NJ:

Hi everybody, we’ve seen a lot of arguing and confusion surrounding the scale and size of the recently released Darkseid C&C figure. We thought that it might be helpful if we gave you guys some insight into where we came up with the final height of the figure. Darkseid’s classic height has always been listed at 7’6″. (Of course the modern version is listed as much bigger, but most fans have been vocal about getting the classic proportions.) The average DCUC figure is not 6″, but actually 6 and 3/8 inches tall. Proportionally the perfect height for a Darkseid figure representing 7’6″ is exactly 8″. We decided to use official stats since he has been drawn so many different ways over the years. (Even Jack Kirby’s depictions vary drastically from panel to panel!)

On a further note the Super Powers version is 5.5″ versus a standard hero height of 4.5″. Proportionately scaled, our figure is actually a little smaller than he should be to match the Super Powers size difference. Of course these guys are comic book characters, so what would any discussion be without a little debate, but we thought you might like a little insight into how we came up with our version.

via Facebook | Four Horsemen comment on Darkseid’s scale.

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