Masters of the Universe Classics Evil-Lyn Packaged Pics

Mattel has posted packaged pics of the Masters of the Universe Classics Evil-Lyn.  The crystal ball can serve as the top to both her staff and wand.

Personally, I liked her redesign from the 200X line, and hope that we see a re-release down the line.

Evil-Lyn Packaged

Skeletor’s mistess of magic! Coming your way in April, only on!

Evil-Lyn comes complete with staff, wand (with removbale swapable headpiece), Skreeech, bird armor and bird perch! Continue your collection this April!

via Facebook | Evil-Lyn Packaged.

Second Masters of the Universe Classics Skeletor Allotment On Sale January 27

For those of you who missed out when Skeletor was re-issued in December, the second allotment of figures has been scheduled to be sold on Wednesday, 1/27 at Noon ET.  In addition to “The Original” sticker on the package, Skeletor has three changes:

  • Left hand corrected for “tight grip”
  • Face paint improved
  • Bio updated to include Demo-Man™

Don’t miss out!

Skeletor® Available at Special 1/27 Sale

Here’s the news you’ve been waiting for, MOTU Fans!

We’ve just confirmed that Old Bones will arrive in time for a special sale at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific) on Wednesday, January 27th. This figure is identical to the one that sold out in record time on 12/15, so you’re definitely going to want to be logged in and ready to click for your chance at Skeletor®, Evil Lord of Destruction™!

via Online Store.

DC Universe Classics Wave 12

DC Universe Wave 12 - Iron, Mary Batson, Darkseid, the Spectre, Eclipso, and Copperhead

Fwoosher disturbedwarrior was kind enough to shoot some pictures of his set of DC Universe Classics Wave 12 – the Darkseid Collect and Connect wave – at least until the batteries on his camera gave out.  For those of you wondering if these have already hit retail, they have not.  Mattel shipped some characters in solid cases to online retailers – Big Bad Toy Store still has Desaad and the two variants of Mary Batson available, but sold out of Copperhead.  Entertainment Earth got the same figures and still has Copperhead available.

Here’s disturbedwarrior’s thoughts on the Darkseid Collect and Connect:

Darkseid was a B***h to put together because of the plastic ring around the peg of the torso where you collect the lower body. I had to boil the two pieces to get them to connect.

Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Wave 12”

First Look – DC Universe Classics Dr. Mid-Nite –

I love DC Universe Classics, so don’t hate me when I say that sometimes it feels like these toys are coming out too fast.  It feels like I just got wave 11, and wave 12 is right on its heels.  DisThunder from the Fwoosh gives us a quick first look at Dr. Mid-Nite.  I can’t wait to add him to my JSA / Earth 2 shelf!

One of the things about Mid-Nite I’ve always liked is the clean yet striking look of his golden age costume. In fact, it was a deciding factor on whether I liked Pieter or not as well. There’s some really clean transitions here, the glove and boot-lines in particular, and some very good choices in color. Whereas guys like Commander Steel come off very metallic and glossy, Mid-Nite has nice dulled tones, the only bright spots his crescent moon clasps and his goggles- the latter having just a hint of metallic paint.

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Dr. Mid-Nite |

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