First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Trap Jaw –

Here’s another Masters of the Universe Classics first look at the Fwoosh, this time of Trap Jaw, due in February.  Just based on the pictures, I am pretty sure Trap Jaw (and Kronis) will displace Tri-Klops as the top villain in my MOTUC collection.  And with Battle Armor He-Man coming this month, I think Man-At-Arms will have some worthy competition on the hero side.  Not a bad start to MOTUC in 2010!

Now, Kronis is pretty cool for an intergalactic bounty hunter, but one horrible, disfiguring fight later, and TRAP JAW is just so much cooler. Like his MOTUC brethren that came before him, this figure expands on every little detail that made the original great, then adds things to make it even better.

I will start with the head – Trap Jaw is positively batpoopy crazy. His eyes are insane, wide open, bright yellow with this tiniest pupils. He is not to be messed with. Then there is the (fully articulated) jaw. This one simple point of articulation makes Trap Jaw so expressive. Depending oh how it is positioned, he can go from scary-mean, to crazy to almost cutely mischievous grin. You can also see the mess of a mouth he has left behind that metal mandible, no detail left unturned by the Four Horsemen.

via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Trap Jaw |

First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Adora –

The Fwoosh has a first look at the first Princess of Power figure to be included in Masters of the Universe Classics – Adora, twin sister of Prince Adam.  VeeBee puts a positive spin on how Adora turned out, but I’ve got to fall in the other camp here.  The final product is a mixed bag, and very much what I was expecting based on the earlier pics.  She’s got a great looking face with beautiful paint apps, but her “skirt” really makes her look frumpy.  The pliability of the material is a positive, the hit for it is pretty steep.

So there she is in all of her glory and I am happy to say that is certainly an instance where the final product turned out MUCH nicer that early peeks seemed to indicate. Hopefully this with charge a lot of people and we can have more interest in the Princess of Power characters. I know I am a strong advocate for them, but I hope Adora will win a lot of people over. They are an essential part of the Masters mythos and, as I said before, I cannot to see the Horsemen’s take on the likes of Frosta, Catra, Glimmer and Mermista. Bring them on! We know She-Ra is coming but hopefully we can start looking forward to three or four PoP characters a year.

via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Adora |

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 Part 1

DCUC 11 Kilowog 028.jpg

Wham! DC Universe Classics Wave 11 is here and collectors are getting them from e-tailers, retailers and It’s literally raining DCUC 11! And what better way to rejoice than loading up AFP with a boatload of DCUC 11 pics, praises and nit picks!

I knew it was going to be a very Merry Christmas for me as the DCUC 11 set I ordered from Enchanted Toy Chest arrived on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately my wife was home from work already and decreed I couldn’t open the case until Christmas morning…

Before I get to the individual figures, I’ll go over some generalities about the whole set. First off all the figures for this Wave that I received are very well made. The plastic is good and sturdy feeling (compared to the Wave 9 figure’s plastic that had a soft, waxy feel). They all have nice tight joints and are easy to put into poses without fear of them toppling over and clearing out a row of figures on your shelf. The paint apps are pretty good, not as tight as DCUC 10, but nothing horrendous. Unfortunately almost every figure in my set has some kind of scarring on their faces. Wonder if this is widespread throughout the run? Other than that the quality is very good.

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Poll: Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man Ear Flocking

Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man - Ear Flocking Options (credit: Daniel B)

Mattel has heard the fan outcry on the latest flocking issue with the Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man – a lot of you want Moss Man with his ears unencumbered by green flock.  They posted a question for us on their Facebook page (emphasis is mine):

Quick Updates

Hey everyone,

So a few quickies. First we hear you on Moss Man and the ears. Fans seem split but here is what might be possible.

Mossy is already in production. If (and that is an “if”) we can effect a change it means some fans will get flocked ears, some no flock. And it will be random. Are you okay with that?

Second, we had a great meeting with Digital River today and it looks like the bugs have been worked out. We’ll also be updating the FAQ on the site to review the return policy as well as offer more information. If you are still having issues with an order, post your order number on Facebook and we’ll get it resolved.

We’re still looking into new shipping options and overseas distribution, but first we need to get all the kinks worked out before expanding to any new areas. The last thing we want to do is rush things.

The Retro Action Green Arrow is almost sold out. More Retro figures will be out this Spring at Toys R Us and other online retailers. We’ll have wave 2 to show at NYTF in Feb.

And if you are in the LA area, be sure to check out the MOTU art show opening this weekend. Aside from some great artistic interpretations of the MOTU world, you can also check out a display of all the MOTUC figures as well as some upcoming releases and a new figure to be revealed Friday night! (hint: it is a celebrity figure and will be one of our SDCC MOTUC items). Full details are in our news section.

That’s it for now!


via Facebook | Quick Updates.

So our question to you is this:

First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat –

More Battle Cat goodness, this time from the Fwoosh.  I am really starting to wonder how the articulation in his mid-torso moves.  It’s practically invisible, at least from the angle in the unarmored pic here – I had to check to make sure I wasn’t seeing things in Pixel Dan’s video review (you can see it clearly at 4:10 in).

Really, I don’t know what else I can say about Battle Cat without telling you what you probably already see or crossing over to a full-on gush fest (morseso). I know that this is a very subjective and fickle hobby and I have come to realize that even if I really love a figure, someone out there will probably hate it. However, if once you get this figure in hand and you can say that you don’t like it, please leave your address so I can direct the ambulance to your house because you are obviously having a breakdown. I just cannot imagine any action figure fan not digging the hell out of Battle Cat. Come the end of the year, his presence on “Best of” lists will be so ubiquitous some might wonder if any other toys came out this year at all.

via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat |

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