Video Review – Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat – That New Toy Smell

I’m really looking forward to Battle Cat, and it’s nice to see his articulation in action. But even after the video I am wondering what the articulation is like in Battle Cat’s torso.

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat Review

Pixel Dan takes a look at the first deluxe figure in the MOTU Classics line, He-Man’s fearless friend Battle Cat! Check out the video to see one of the coolest figures released so far!

via Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat Review – That New Toy Smell.

DC Universe Classics Wave 12 Desaad and Mary Batson Available at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store received a partial shipment of their DC Universe Classics Wave 12 order.  They got Copperhead (now sold out but still available for pre-order for the next shipment), Desaad, and both the red and white variants of Mary Batson (nee Marvel).  They’re all $16.99 aside from the white variant of Mary at $19.99.

I love this line, but you ever have the feeling like it’s arriving too fast?  I have still to open my set of Wave 11 – thanks Enchanted Toy Chest!  If you’re still looking for 11, ETC has sets of six figures for $88.99 and eight figures  for $116.99 available.  You can build Kilowog with either – the only difference is whether you want the Steppenwolves or not.

Happy hunting!

The Dark Knight Harvey Dent and Cars Doc On Sale January 15

As if Masters of the Universe Classics Princess Adora, Battle Armor He-Man, and Beast Man weren’t enough to put a dent in my toy collecting budget, Mattel reminds us on their Facebook page that Harvey Dent from The Dark Knight and Doc from Cars will also be for sale on January 15.  Dent and dent?  That was unintentionally punny. Next sale is January 15th! Princess Adora, Battle Armor He-Man & Beast Man are coming up Friday, 1/15 at Noon ET/9am PT. Harvey Dent and 1:24 scale Doc will be on sale, too, but they aren’t shown in this news story.

via Facebook |

Now that the Batman Movie Masters figures have come down in price to $15 from $20, they’re back on my radar.  The only thing nagging at me is how much these will be when they come out in retail in a couple of months.  Bonus – the closeup picture isn’t featured on the sales page.

Harvey Dent Figure
Batman: The Dark Knight


Before Two-Face, there was only Harvey Dent, idealistic district attorney for Gotham City. This fully-articulated Movie Masters™ figure portrays good-hearted Harvey in the smash film The Dark Knight. Sculpted in film-accurate detail by the Four Horseman, he arrives with a real die-cast lucky coin for you to flip!

via Online Store – Harvey Dent Figure.

Continue reading “The Dark Knight Harvey Dent and Cars Doc On Sale January 15”

First Look – DC Universe Classics 12 and Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat – Action Figure Times

Captain Collector gets added to “the list”* now that he has Copperhead, Mary Batson, the glow-in-the-dark variant of the Spectre, Desaad, and the associated parts from the C&C Darkseid from DC Universe Classics 12, and Battle Cat from Masters of the Universe Classics.

*Note: “the list” is of nice guys whom I can’t bring myself to hate even though they already have the toys that I want. 😀


With DC Universe Classics series 11 now shipping from, series 12 is just around the corner. Today, it is my priveledge [sic] to be able to bring you a sneek peek at some of the outstanding figures from this series, as well as the new cardback design for 2010.

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat

This is one of my very most anticipated figures period shown at Comicon 2009. My expectations were extremely high based on what I saw, so I expected to be a little dissapointed [sic] by the final product. Suffice it to say, my expectations were shattered, and the final toy is much better than I could have hoped for.

via AFT-Captain Collector and his Super Hero Squadron!

Masters of the Universe Classics Princess Adora, Battle Armor He-Man, and Re-Issued Beast Man on Sale January 15

For those of you still recovering after the big sale day on this month, I’m sorry to say that you might not get a break in January.  Mattel just updated the store with the Masters of the Universe Classics items for 1/15, and in addition to Princess Adora from She-Ra, we’ve got Battle Armor He-Man and a re-issue of Beast Man as bonus figures.

I’ve got a Club Eternia subscription, so I’ll be getting Princess Adora, but Battle Armor He-Man was one of my favorite figures as a kid, so I’ll definitely be picking him up too.  I wish Mattel and Digital River would figure out how to combine orders so I don’t keep getting hit with multiple shipping charges.  Adding the bonus figures to the subscription isn’t the solution, either, because I also would want to include purchases from the other lines like Ghostbusters and DC Universe Classics.  Is it really so hard to fix this?

Princess Adora, Battle Armor® He-Man® & Beast Man® On Sale 1/15

MOTU Fans,

The first sale of 2010 is only a month away and it’s gonna be total MOTU madness! Friday, January 15th marks our first offering ever of both Princess Adora and the ridiculously cool Battle Armor® He-Man® who comes with swappable armor plates.

We’ve also got a reissue of Beast Man®, so if he escaped your collection the first time we offered him, here’s your chance to snag one.

As usual, the fun starts here at at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific), so remember to mark your calendar. You can also click here to register for email and we’ll send a reminder to your inbox.


via Online Store.

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