Mattel Reveals DC Theme for 2010 and DC Universe Classics Wave 12 Packaged Pics

I’ve gotta hand it to Mattel – they know how to make dynamic packaging.  I like the theme (congrats to many who guessed it would be DC’s 75th anniversary) and the new layout is clear and vibrant.  Wave 12 is looking sweet.  Mary Batson will be a 50/50 variant and the glow-in-the-dark Spectre will be a chase figure.

2010 is DC Comics 75th!

Hey DC toy fans!

As we get close to 2010 we wanted to reveal the all new look for DC Universe toys from Mattel! Every DC Universe Classic and Infinite Hero figure in 2010 will be in an all new package which will include a DC 75th collector button featuring vintage DC art!

DCUC 11 - Copperhead.jpgDCUC 11 - Desaad.jpgDCUC 11 - Dr. Mid-Nite.jpgDCUC 11 - Eclipso.jpgDCUC 11 - Iron.jpg
DCUC 11 - Mary Batson variant.jpg
DCUC 11 - Mary Batson.jpgDCUC 11 - Spectre chase.jpgDCUC 11 - Spectre.jpgDCUC 11 - package back.jpg

You’ll be able to start your 75th collection with Wave 12 of Classics, on sale in early Spring 2010. Enjoy the pictures below and happy holidays!


via Facebook | 2010 is DC Comics 75th!

DC Universe Classics Wave 13 Retailer Pics

These pictures come from BigBadToyStore, where they have just listed pre-orders for individual figures from DC Universe Classics Wave 13 mostly for $16.99 each.  Based on how these are priced, I consider this another confirmation that the unbandaged variant of Negative Man will be a chase figure (he’s the only one listed for more at $19.99), and that the classic and modern Cheetah variants will be packed 50/50.  Fans of the modern Cheetah, unfortunately she’s already pre-sold out.

DCUC 13 - Superboy.jpgDCUC 13 - Donna Troy.jpgDCUC 13 - Cheetah (classic).jpgDCUC 13 - Cheetah (modern).jpgDCUC 13 - Blue Beetle.jpgDCUC 13 - Blue Devil.jpgDCUC 13 - Negative Man.jpgDCUC 13 - Negative Man (chase).jpgDCUC 13 - Cyclotron.jpg

BBTS also has several sets available for pre-order, and Enchanted Toy Chest has a set of 8 up for pre-order.

Masters of the Universe Classics Trap Jaw and Wun-Dar Packaged Pics

We’ve seen Battle Cat already (after a long long wait) but Trap Jaw and Wun-Dar packaged gives us more to anticipate for Valentine’s Day.  Wun-Dar, and the 30×20 map of Eternia, were originally expected in March, but I’m not complaining about getting him early.  Trap Jaw, and his “before” state of Kronis, round out the MOTU figures for February (what, no re-release?) – and that’s a lot of awesome to get your arms around.

Also, this Tuesday is the big sale day, and Mattel has put together a bundled order page to make things easier.

Finally, a note on Evil-Lyn, the MOTU Classics figure for April – Mattel has clarified on their Facebook page that there is not an Evil-Lyn chase figure as was reported by Lee’s, but that there is more to be revealed.  You can see pics of Evil-Lyn in Toy Fare and Lee’s this week.

Continue reading “Masters of the Universe Classics Trap Jaw and Wun-Dar Packaged Pics”

Four Horsemen Holiday Sale and Queen Alluxandra “Swimsuit” Variant

Our friends, the Four Horsemen, are holding a holiday sale starting at the end of today and running through the end of the year.  Headlining the sale is a new Seventh Kingdom variant – a Queen Alluxandra repaint in her royal swimsuit.

In case you’re gathering clues, the Seventh Kingdom is probably weather-aligned with the southern hemisphere – it’s winter here in the United States, but Alluxandra is shedding layers for the summer heat.  Mrow!  😀

Be sure to check out starting at the end of today!

Queen Alluxandra Swimsuit Variant
Queen Alluxandra Swimsuit Variant


The Four Horsemen have announced that beginning Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 11:59pm est, their online retail outlet, Store Horsemen (, will be having a nearly store-wide 50% off sale!

Continuing through the next three weeks, until December 31st, almost every item in the store will be on sale for half it’s normal retail price! Many of the items listed are nearly sold out, so be sure to place your orders early!

At the same time on Wednesday the new, never before revealed, Store Horsemen exclusive “Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra” figure will go on sale for only $20.00 each (plus shipping)!

It’s Summer-time in Drakkignir, and that means it’s time for the Drakkignans to hit the beach – and that includes Queen Alluxandra of the Bluddmane Clan!

Dressed in her royal bathing attire, complete with her Summer cape which doubles as her beach towel*, Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra also wields her royal scepter and sword, as well as a removable dagger.

Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra is limited to only 250 pieces, so be sure to get yours quickly before they’re gone!

Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra might beat you harshly with her scepter if she catches you staring at her exposed belly button.

Last, as a special incentive, if you order any Store Horsemen “Holiday Half Price Sale” items along with “Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra”, we’ll slash another 50% off of your shipping cost when we process your order!!

Bluddmanes, bludgeonings with a royal scepter and bare bellies! Does it get any b-b-better?

* WARNING: Swimsuit Edition Queen Alluxandra’s cape does not actually double as a beach towel… Unless you’ve got a really good imagination, or you’ve got decent customizing skillzz. In that case, have at it!

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 Goes on Sale at on December 23

The first set of DC Universe Classics retail figures will be offered on on December 23, not on December 15 with the huge amount of Masters of the Universe Classics, DC Universe, and Ghostbusters products.  Arrival of the product is the culprit, although I suspect some people might be thankful for the short break to let the wallet recuperate.

The Wave 11 figures will *not* be repackaged, so you’ll be getting them on standard cards with the Collect & Connect pieces to build Kilowog.  At eight figures, you’ll have an extra C&C piece from Steppenwolf, and the only figure you’ll be missing is the Deadman variant, with translucent arms and legs and glow in the dark logo and eyes – I didn’t know about the glow in the dark part before this.

At about $15 per figure plus shipping, I have to wonder how this will impact online retailers, many of whom have not received their orders outside of Deadman and The Question.

DCUC Wave 11 coming to!

DC Universe Classics Wave 11

Hey toy fans,

So big news! We will indeed be selling our first wave box set of DCUC 6″ figures on This great program will kick off with Wave 11. The box set will include standard carded versions of:

  • John Stewart – with constructs
  • Katma Tui – with constructs
  • Shark
  • The Question – Fan’s choice
  • Deadman (standard version)
  • Cyborg Superman (Sinestro Corps uniform)
  • Steppenwolf Green
  • Steppenwolf Red

Plus with all of these figs you’ll get all the parts needed to make the collect and connect Kilowog (truly one of the coolest Collect and Connect figures we’ve done to date!). While the set will include both variants of Steppenwolf, the variant of Deadman (clear legs and arms, glow in the dark eyes and logo) will be a retail exclusive, so you’ll still need to hunt for this one!

The set will break down to about $15.00 per figure (plus shipping). So for those who asked for better distribution at retail prices – your wish has been answered!

The set goes on sale Dec 23nd, only on! (and for those asking why we can’t sell this on Dec 15th with the other Dec product – the answer is simple; this is the soonest the set will arrive at our distribution center. If we pre-sold it on the 15th, it would hold up shipments of any other items you might order and that is the last thing we want!).

The set goes on sale at a special sale December 23rd, only on! Stay tuned for more details…


via Facebook | DCUC Wave 11 coming to!

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