Toyfare 150 to Feature New DC Universe Classics Two-Packs

DC Universe Classics Batman, Robin, Black Manta, and Aquaman
DC Universe Classics Batman, Robin, Black Manta, and Aquaman

DC Universe Classics fans, be sure to pick up Toyfare #150, on sale this Wednesday.  Two-packs may be a thing of the past on after the Justice in the Jungle 2-pack, but according to a subscriber who received his issue of Toyfare early, Mattel reveals two new 2-packs that will be exclusive to Wal-Mart.  Sorry, folks who can’t stand Wal-mart exclusives!  As you might expect, the two packs will leverage existing figures, with new decos.

One of the two packs will feature Batman and Robin.  Batman will be in his black and gray costume, but with a black bat symbol and a pouched belt.  Robin, still Tim Drake, will be in his red and green costume, but my understanding is that the original Robin figure will be reused entirely – so there will be some elements, like glove spikes and belt pouches, that won’t be correct for the red and green.

The other two pack will feature Aquaman and his nemesis Black Manta.  Folks who missed on Aquaman early on will be glad to get the opportunity to pick one up now, and will get the added bonus of a metallic orange for his scaly shirt.  Black Manta will also have a blue color scheme instead of the black – but he won’t be changing his name to Blue Manta any time soon. 😉

The issue will also have pictures of DCUC variants or costume accessories from waves 12 and 13, including Mary Batson (nee Marvel), the Spectre, Negative Man, and Cyclotron.  I am also looking forward to seeing more of Mattel’s upcoming WWE line. Sale Ending and December Preview

DC Universe Color of Fear 2 Karu-Sil and Romat-Ru (1200x800).jpgMattel had a couple of updates on its Facebook page yesterday.  First, a reminder that the sale on DC Universe items is ending on Monday (at 11:59PM ET, if you like to really to push the limits).  It’s based on the number of items purchased.

  • Buy any two or three DC Universe products and get 15% off
  • Buy any four or more and get 25% off

I’m surprised that not one of the products that are included in the sale have sold out yet, including the really fantastic DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-Pack.

Second, a preview of the items going on sale on December 15.  I knew I wasn’t crazy calling the DCUC Justice in the Jungle 2-pack “Animal Instincts!”

December 15th is almost here! 12” Egon Spengler, Retro-Action Green Arrow, 1:24 Mater, Animal Instinct 2-pack and more on sale Tuesday, 12/15 at Noon ET/9am PT

But there’s so much more:

Happy Holidays, Toy Fans!

Tuesday, December 15th, is the next big sale at Just in time for the holidays, we’ve got all the best gifts for the MIC (“Most Important Collector”) in your life… that’s you, of course!

Make your wish list and check it twice to make sure it’s got all of these must-have products:

For those curious about the 3 for $15 flight stands, that’s the first look we’ve had of them.  Stay tuned – because we should have more images posted shortly.

via 12″ Egon Spengler™, Retro-Action™ Green Arrow & More On Sale 12/15.

First Look – Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore –

I think we’ve seen the bulk of the Mattel previews for the items on sale this month, wrapping it up with the 6-inch Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore.  He comes with what is probably the coolest accessory for a toy this year – the ghost trap.  And it will be even cooler next year when Mattel ships Walter Peck, since the trap will fit into the container unit accessory that will come with Peck.

Well, here is the thing, from a parts standpoint Winston is the same as previous paranormal investigators Egon and Ray from collar bone to toe – so you know what you are getting there. I know people have been commenting on the reuse, but I have said it before, they are all built similarly enough that it works for me. The importance comes in the difference though, and, of course, it is in his head sculpt.


I was thinking that I was a fan of the head sculpt when I saw the hand-painted prototype at SDCC and the early press pictures, and now that I have him in hand, my suspicions were correct. In fact, I think he is the best representation of any of the actors so far in the line. The 4H really caught the look of a young Hudson in my opinion and the paint on his face is great (as well as the rest of the figure), especially in the clean lines on his thin mustache. Some might disagree with the likeness, but I think it works really well.

via First Look – Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore |

Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat Packaged Pics

The long wait since Matty’s first Masters of the Universe Classics Battle Cat tease (so long ago now I can’t remember it) is over.  Toy Guru had cited some issues with Battle Cat’s helmet falling off while in package, so I hope that’s been resolved for you MOC collectors out there.

Here’s what’s coming our way in right around Valentine’s Day.  Fitting, because I’m in love.

MOTU Battle Cat® Sneak Preview

MOTU Fans!

You’ve been patiently (and for some, impatiently) waiting for the Fighting Tiger of Eternia® to arrive. While you’ll still have to wait just a little bit longer, here’s your first official sneak peak at the packaging for Battle Cat®!


Battle Cat® is the first beast figure in the MOTU line. This fully-articulated, incredibly detailed figure has been crafted so He-Man® fits in the saddle (as will most other MOTU characters) so he can securely ride his iconic green feline into battle! He comes with removable armor and helmet, his saddle holds the Sword of Power, and it’s all packed safely in a window box package.


This cool kitty goes on sale Monday, February 15th, and as always is the only place you’ll find guaranteed genuine Masters of the Universe® figures. We can send a reminder right to your inbox, so click here to register for email. I also announce reminders on Twitter so follow me there, too!

via Online Store.

DC Universe Classics Justice in the Jungle Two-Pack – Critical Mess

Critical Mess has posted a review of the DC Universe Classics 2-Pack that goes on sale December 15.  Justice in the Jungle (I thought the name was still Animal Instincts, so I guess I didn’t get the memo) comes with two fan favorites – Animal Man and B’wana Beast.  I’ve got to agree with the review – the figures look great.  And Beast needs nipples.

Justice in the JungleJustice in the Jungle - Animal Man and B'wana Beast

First let me say that this is my favorite two-pack thus far. Not only does it contain two figures that I really want, but the figures are both done extremely well. These stand among the best figures that Mattel has done to date. I do have to admit that Animal Man is a little more impressive, if only because of the added complexity with his costume, but B’wana Beast is a solid figure with no obvious flaws. Come on cactus is our friend.

via reviews Mattel’s Justice in the Jungle Two Pack!

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