DC Universe Classics Cosmic Odyssey John Stewart by RoboKillah

DC Universe Classics Custom John Stewart with DCD Guy Gardner, DCD Kilowog, and Hal Jordan
DC Universe Classics Custom John Stewart with DCD Guy Gardner, DCD Kilowog, and Hal Jordan

Those of you who have known me for a while know that I am a big Cosmic Odyssey fan.  And while many people think that DC Universe Classics is a toy line paying homage to Super Powers, my fandom has helped me realize the incontrovertible truth that DCUC is actually a toy line for Cosmic Odyssey*.

However, long before DCUC Wave 11 was announced, my collection was sorely missing two characters – the Green Lantern John Stewart and the Martian Manhunter J’onn J’onnz.  When RoboKillah from the Fwoosh made his custom John Stewart, I knew that I would need to enlist him to create one for me in the costume John wore in Cosmic Odyssey.  It wasn’t easy, but me sending him fodder unsolicited combined with my incessant whining resulted in this fine custom.

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DC Universe Promotion at MattyCollector.com Starts Thanksgiving Day

Mattycollector.com DCU sale

The DC Universe promotion at MattyCollector.com covers DC Universe Classics, DC Infinite Heroes, and Justice League Unlimited.  As of this writing, here’s what’s still available:

DC Universe Classics DC Infinite Heroes Justice League Unlimited
  • The Color of Fear: Romat-Ru and Karu-Sil Figures
  • Alexander Luthor and Ultraman Figures
  • Adam Strange and Starfire Figures
  • DC Universe Classics Figure Stands
  • Infinite Heroes Crisis 4-Pack
  • DC Universe Infinite Heroes Anti-Monitor Figure
  • Infinite Heroes Figure Stands
  • Doom Patrol 4-Pack
  • JLU “Shazam!” Family 4-Pack
  • Justice League Unlimited Green Lantern Origins 3-Pack
  • JLU Legion of Super Heroes Figure 4-Pack
  • JLU Gotham City Criminals Figure 4-Pack
  • Justice League Unlimited Figure Stands

Save up to 25% on All DCU Products 11/26 thru 12/7

DCU Fans,

Just in time for holiday gift giving, we’re running a “buy more, get more” promotion. Basically, buy two or three DC Universe products and get 15% off your order; buy four or more products and get 25% off! Here are the details:

  • Buy any two or three products from any DCU line and get 15% off those products.
  • Buy four or more DCU products and you’ll get 25% off!
  • Promotion starts 12:00 Noon ET/9:00am PT on Thursday 11/26 (Thanksgiving Day) and expires Monday, 12/7 11:59pm ET/8:59pm PT.
  • Offer applies only to products in the DCU shop at MattyCollector.com.
  • No code needed — discount automatically applied at checkout!
  • Discount applies to product purchase price only and does not apply to shipping costs or taxes/fees.
  • Sorry, this promotion can’t combined with other offers and isn’t valid on previous purchases.

We’re talking every set and every figure from the entire DC Universe lineup — DCU Classics, Justice League Unlimited, and DCU Infinite Heroes! So what are you waiting for? Get yourself over to the DCU shop before this limited-time promotion ends on Monday 12/7!


via MattyCollector.com Online Store.

DC Universe Classics Color of Fear Two-Pack Romat-Ru and Karu-Sil

DC Universe Classics Color of Fear - Karu-Sil and Romat-Ru
DC Universe Classics Color of Fear - Karu-Sil and Romat-Ru

The DC Universe Classics Color of Fear set is the penultimate (nice word, right?) 2-pack to be offered on MattyCollector.com.  The previous 2-packs, Space Heroes and Battle for Earth 3 didn’t quite meet Mattel’s expectations (they are still available as of this writing) so after this set and next month’s Animal Instincts 2-pack, there’s nothing planned for the forseeable future.

The good news is that this has been the fastest-selling 2-pack thus far.  If this and Animal Instincts do well, we might see more down the line.
Continue reading “DC Universe Classics Color of Fear Two-Pack Romat-Ru and Karu-Sil”

Masters of the Universe Classics Teela and Scareglow

Masters of the Universe Classics Teela and Scareglow
Masters of the Universe Classics Teela and Scareglow

I’ll admit it – I didn’t open the Teela that I got as part of my Masters of the Universe September – December subscription last month.  I was a little irked by how Mattel and Digital River handled the subs, and by the time I actually had the little white box in my hand, I just wasn’t feeling it.

But this month, they handled it well.  The day before sales day, I got an email from Digital River saying that my sub was being renewed (I would have said “processed” but I got the picture) and a couple of days later, Scareglow showed up.  And you know what?  I really like both these figures more than I thought I would.

Continue reading “Masters of the Universe Classics Teela and Scareglow”

Correction: It’s Good News for Mattel Dark Knight Figures

I guess my good news / bad news post from earlier today was really good news *and* more good news.  The remaining Dark Knight figures that I thought may have stalled out are actually just being produced in higher numbers for a run that will now include Toys R Us in the spring of next year.  And with the bigger production run comes a lower $15 price tag.  That’s a lot more palatable.

You’ll be able to get these figures first on MattyCollector.com.  I’m curious what price they’ll be when they hit TRU.

The Dark Knight Toys Coming to Toys “R” Us

The Dark Knight Movie Masters Two-Face
The Dark Knight Movie Masters Two-Face

Hey Dark Knight Fans,

I’ve got a hot update on Movie Masters™ The Dark Knight products…

You already know that initially the plan was to offer one new figure per month at MattyCollector.com. Thanks to you, loyal Dark Knight fans, sales have been so good that we’re feeling confident enough to increase production and also bring the line to Toys “R” Us in the spring.

The good news is that you’ll be able to walk into your local Toys “R” Us and find The Dark Knight figures. The even better news? You’ll still be able to get them at MattyCollector.com and because of the increased production numbers, we’ll be reducing the price to just $15 each!

Here’s how it’ll go down: The Joker as Gotham City Thug figure started out here on MattyCollector.com, and will continue to be a MattyCollector.com exclusive as long as we’ve got stock. The remaining six figures in the line will be available here first, one each month for the new price of $15 each. Then this spring they’ll all be available at Toys “R” Us except for The Joker as Gotham City Thug. At press time, here’s how the line is slated for sale here at MattyCollector.com (subject to change, as always):

  • ON SALE NOW: The Joker as Gotham City Thug — a MattyCollector.com exclusive!
  • December 15: Survival Suit Bruce Wayne
  • January 15: Harvey Dent
  • February 15: The Joker with Missile Launcher
  • March 15: Scarecrow
  • April 15: Batman (Night Vision)
  • May 17: Two-Face

You know I always try to tell you like it is. While this strategy won’t work for every Mattycollector.com line, when the second-highest grossing film of all time* is behind a toy line, it gives us a unique opportunity to bump up production numbers and offer it at retail as well so even more fans can get the characters they want.

I’ll let you know as soon as we have expected on-shelf dates. We really appreciate everyone’s support for this great line!


*Source: http://www.imdb.com/boxoffice/alltimegross

via MattyCollector.com Online Store.

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