Mattel’s latest collector line update is a good news / bad news report. The good: the He-Man re-release sold out within a few hours and Scareglow the next day, and Mattel also posted on Facebook that the Color of Fear 2-pack is the best selling DC Universe Classics 2-pack yet. For Masters of the Universe Classics, I wonder if the He-Man sell-out there’s a whole new crop of collectors who jumped on board for the line. And for DCUC, I hope the strength of sales helps convince Mattel to continue the 2-packs after next month’s Animal Instincts, which is reportedly the last for the time being.
The bad news: the continuation of the Dark Knight figures on may be stalled out. The bank robber Joker was posted a month late, and is still available. Since Mattel won’t commit to Survival Suit Bruce Wayne in December (the originally posted sales date was October 15), I am wondering if they’re waffling on continuing the line. A lot of people weren’t thrilled with the $20 price tag, so it wouldn’t be surprising if sales are lackluster.
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