First Look – DC Universe Classics Deadman –

Have you checked your local comic book stores yet for DC Universe Classics Wave 11?  It seems that’s where they’re hitting first, and I’ve heard both full assortments and solid cases have arrived.  Fwoosh’s DisThunder picked up a Deadman at a local shop and has put up a First Look at the new body.

Looking at Deadman, I keep thinking how simple it’d be to make a Disco Nightwing.  Not that I really want one… 😀  Sinestro, on the other hand, would be a welcome redo using this body.


Well, let’s get one thing out of the way: this sure as hell ain’t Black Manta with a collar. Deadman is a completely new sculpt, from head to elf-shoe. He is much skinnier and more skeletal than I was expecting, and that’s certainly not a bad thing. I suspected at SDCC that Deadman might use a “faked” open collar; i.e. the collar and the bare chest actually being a separate piece layed over the buck body’s chest, but that is not the case. Brand’s chest is sculpted with the chest-striations and all, and the collar merely plugs into the chest to create the appropriate change in texture. Very impressive, but that does mean there’s some new parts in store for the next character to take advantage of this new “buck.”

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Deadman |

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice Loose Pics

The Question was the winner of Mattel’s first Fan Choice poll, and he makes his appearance in DC Universe Classics Wave 11. Fwoosher studmuffin found him at his local comic book store, where they had received their order for solid cases.

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - back.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - suit jacket.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - suit jacket 2.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - suit jacket 3.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - closeup.jpg

When pictures of the Question’s two-up were shown, like back at Wizard World Philly, many people wanted to know how Mattel would construct the double-breasted suit.  At WWP, the suit was a separate piece from the trench coat, with notable gaps on either side.  In production, the trenchcoat and suit front are a single piece, with the suit front made as a “flap” that is glued in on the right underside of the trenchcoat.

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - with Joker.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - without trenchcoat and suit jacket.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - with Joker without suit jacket.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - Joker in trenchcoat.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - without suit jacket.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 The Question Fan Choice - comparison.jpg

When I first saw pictures I thought that the Question shared a lot of parts with the Joker from the Wal-Mart exclusive Wave 10. After seeing these comparison pics I think they may have shared some of the initial sculpt but it could be completely new tooling. The upper arms and entire legs look very similar, but the lower arms are distinguished by the number of buttons and the feet have different shoes.

The torsos are very obviously different, and the Question has a waist swivel whereas the Joker does not. While the trench coat with the suit flap removed looks fine on the Joker (for another iconic Marshall Rogers Joker look) you can see that the Question’s shoulders are a bit broader as the trench fits him more snugly.

Thanks to studmuffin for these pics!

Masters of the Universe Classics Adora Press Pics

Earlier in the week, Mattel teased us with a pic of the outer mailer box for Adora – like with Battle Armor He-Man, the box now includes text indicating what figure is contained within.  I imagine there’ll be a subset of MOC collectors who will want their mailer boxes in pristine shape now. 😀

I think Adora looks ok – I think she may look somewhat plain in the midst of more bold-looking figures.  I’m also not enamored with how the “sheath” covering her crotch and booty look.  It feels somewhat bloated.  Many people have wanted the MOTUC females to have more junk in the trunk, but I don’t think this is what they envisioned.

Okay, here she is

Masters of the Universe Classics Adora - card.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Adora - card back.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Adora - back.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Adora - with Power Sword.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Adora - with gun.jpgMasters of the Universe Classics Adora - mailer box.jpg

Pics speak for themselves. Coming in January. Let the 25th anniversary begin!

via Facebook | Okay, here she is.

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 Packaged Pics

DC Universe Classics Wave 11
DC Universe Classics Wave 11

Fwoosher trs has got his hands on one of the earliest shipments of DC Universe Classics Wave 11. Of the cases he had access to, he reported that the Deadman variant was in abundance, and the Super Powers version of Steppenwolf were more rare. Earlier Mattel had said that the Deadman variant would be a chase, and the Steppenwolf figures would be 50:50 – so we’ll have to wait and see how this plays out at retail.

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Cyborg Superman - Sinestro Corps (1200x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Deadman (1198x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Deadman - variant (1200x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - John Stewart (1200x1199).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Katma Tui (1200x1199).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Shark (1200x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Steppenwolf - Super Powers (1200x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Steppenwolf - comic (1200x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - The Question (1200x1200).jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - card back (1200x1089).jpg

I think the entire wave came out looking great, but my most anticipated here would have to be John Stewart and the Question.

Big thanks to trs for sharing his pictures!

Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man Re-release Press Pics

We’re still waiting for carded pics of Battle Cat, but for now Mattel has published images of the upcoming He-Man re-release.  He’ll be available on November 16 with Scareglow.  The inclusion of “The Original” on the packaging is a nod back to the original toy line, when re-releases included that designation.

I have the original release, and am pondering whether to pickup another He-Man.  Right now I’m leaning towards passing – I don’t mind the paint apps on the first, and it’ll already be a big month with the DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-pack.  But this will still be a great opportunity for folks who want to jump into the line.

He-Man re-release images

As you know, He-Man is coming back to on Nov 16th. We made a few minor corrections to the pain [sic] ops (specially pushing back on the gloss and the red around his eyes) and corrected the crotch joint.

His packaging also has a new “The Original” burst. This burst will be used throughout the line on all second run figures (i.e. Skeletor in December) to help mint in package collectors tell the first and second release apart.

Get him while he lasts only on!


via Facebook | He-Man re-release images.

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