Concerned about not getting a shipping notice on your order from last week? Rest a little easier – Mattel posted a couple of Facebook updates today. Read on.
Mattycollector To clear the air, subscribers will be getting Teela. She is NOT on backorder. Customer service has been giving out some incorrect information and we are working with them to correct this. Going forward, we will make sure subscriber figures are shipped first along with a confirmation email. We apologize for this inconvenience!
Trying to clear things up
Hey fans,
We know there has been a lot of confusion floating around on some recent orders and misinformation. I’ll do my best to clear this up.
We did switch over our customer service to Digital River, and it appears a few customer service reps have been going “off book” and giving out some incorrect info. Here is the latest:
MOTU Classics Wun-Dar
1: Wun-Dar is most definitely the subscription figure only. He will only be available if you purchased a 2010 Club Eternia subscription and will be mailed out in the spring along with the all new poster. Wun-Dar will not be sold in any other way. If you did not purchase a subscription, you will not be getting Wun-dar. Nothing has changed on Wun-Dar from our original plans announced at SDCC 2009.
2: All 2009 subscribers WILL be getting Teela. The shipping confirmation should have gone out immediately and I apologize for this not happening. Going forward, we have made it very clear to Digital River that subscription figures need to ship out first (along with confirmation emails).
This may not have been the smoothest sale, but everyone will get their product.
I’ll do my best to keep an eye on Facebook and answer any other pressing questions. Unless you hear an announcement from me, there shouldn’t be any major changes. We’ll talk to Digital River and make sure their customer service reps are up on the latest info and training!
Doing all we can to correct these issues! Nothing is more important then creating a smooth process and pleasing our fans. Not every sale goes by the book, but we are working on fixing all of these issues. Thanks for everyone’s understanding!
Mattel posted a Masters of the Universe Classics update on Facebook. With respect to their proposed solution for subscriptions and bonus figures, I think they’re thinking too specifically about MOTU when they talk about estimating the number of bonus figures so that they can be included in the sub.
I am *not* looking for a sub that includes the bonus figures too. I want a more general solution that simply lets me combine any order I place that month with my sub – that way I can combine shipping not only with MOTU Classics bonus figures, but with DC Universe Classics, Ghostbusters, and any other items I might want to pick up. Doesn’t that make more sense to you?
Matty and MOTU Classics update
Hey He-Fans,
Wanted to give everyone the latest update on MOTU Classics and try to answer some outstanding questions on the brand.
First off, Teela is sold out. Those who have a 2009 Club Eternia subscription will be getting Teela just as planned. We may not have gotten the shipping confirmation off as quick as we wanted, but the subscriptions were sent first, with the remaining stock sold on (and now sold out!)
So if you have a subscription, never fear, the Warrior Goddess is on her way!
In other news, we have completed our customer service hand over to Digital River. We now have a dedicated online customer service option in addition to the 1 877 GO MATTY phone number. By moving customer service from Mattel to Digital River, we are able to better sync the shipping with customer service to better answer your questions and provide the best service possible.
We’ll also have a ton of new content coming soon to the site such as bulletin boards, product archives and heritage product galleries. We’re working everyday to make the site more accessable and user friendly!
A lot of fans have also asked why the 2010 subscription can’t include the “bonus figures” (like Zodak, Goddess and Battle Armor He-Man). The answer is simple. We don’t yet know how many bonus figures we are doing in 2010. The subscriptions can only be for guaranteed figures, and the only figures we know for sure are the 12 monthly figures starting in 2010 with Adora in January.
Right now we are keeping a careful eye on Zodak and the next few “bonus” non subscription figures. If these do well, we will continue the second figure or Large Scale Beast skus in 2010 in some months. If they do not do well, we will just roll the bonus figures into the monthly figure releases. This is why we can’t comment on figures past Moss Man right now.
Once we have a better idea of how much support their is for extra figures, we can lock down exactly how many we will do in 2010 and will then add them to the 2011 subscription. 2010 is still a testing ground, so bear with us as we work out whether or not their is enough support to keep the bonus figures going!
Drop a line anytime and I’ll do my best to answer as quick as possible to keep all of our fans in the loop! Great stuff is coming in 2010, just hold onto your hats cause this will be a wild ride!
Here are the latest questions and answers from Mattel. Thanks to Mattel and Toy Guru!
World Wrestling Entertainment
1. Nice to see some info and pics of the upcoming WWE lines. Can you highlight the differences between the Basic and Elite Collections? Are the main differences in the amount of articulation? Are the scales compatible between both lines?
The WWE basic and Elite figures are approximately seven-inch figures are created in “Superstar scale,” assuring accuracy in body-type differential across the “Monday Night Raw,” “Friday Night SmackDown” and “ECW” rosters. Pay-Per-View themed basic figures will also be available throughout the year. The Elite Figures feature 26 points of articulation and authentic ring attire such as masks, armbands and costumes. For the first time ever, each figure in both lines come with a figure stand and name placard.
While you’re there, why not order one of the DC Universe Classics 2-packs? Mattel recently announced in one of the Ask Matty Q&As that the Animal Instincts 2-pack in December will be the last. I can only conclude that the earlier 2-packs, Space Heroes and Battle for Earth 3, haven’t performed as well as they’d like, since they’re both still available. If you’ve been on the fence, show some support and maybe we can get Mattel to continue making DCUC 2-packs with more obscure characters!
DC Universe Classics Gotham City 5 – Catwoman, Two-Face, Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor
DC Universe Infinite Heroes Teen Titans Figures – carded
DC Universe Infinite Heroes Teen Titans Figures – loose
Wal-Mart has made available online the DC Universe Classics Gotham City 5, the exclusive 5-pack that includes Batman, Superman, Catwoman, Two-Face, and all-new classic jump-suited Lex Luthor. This set was very difficult to find a few weeks back, and I’ve heard lots of reports of folks finding sets that had been tampered with, so this may be the best option for you to track this down.
They also have the DC Infinite Heroes Teen Titans 6-pack, containing Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Arsenal, Monsieur Mallah, and the Brain. There’s only a couple of guys I know that are collecting these, but I know of a few more that are looking to pick this set up just for the Brain, as it’s large enough to work in the DCUC scale.
They have the Site to Store option on both items, if you want to save on shipping costs.