Dark Knight Movie Masters Jail Cell Joker – thefwoosh.com

VeeBee continues his seemingly endless Mattel first looks with the Dark Knight Movie Masters Jail Cell Joker.  The Dark Knight series continues as Mattycollector.com exclusives for $20 each.

I’m not sure when the Joker will go on sale – originally Mattel announced that they would be selling one Dark Knight figure each month starting in September, with the Jail Cell Joker coming in December.  However, the first figure, the Bank Robber Joker, was pushed back from September to October.  When I find out more I’ll let you know.

The sculpt of this figure is very, very nice (if you haven’t figured out that the Horsemen have a knack for doing amazing sculpts, now is the time) and the likeness in the head sculpt is by far their best effort. At this scale, it is amazing how close to Heath Ledger they came. We have seen some very strong likeness to real people lately with Egon and Ray but they really nailed this one. In fact, it kind of makes the old figure obsolete. The expression, the hair, everything is just spot on this time around, and you really need to have him in hand to see just how nice it is. So with the head sculpt being as purdy as it is, it is easy to miss something like the hands but they are really well done as well, with lots of lines and folds to them. The one spot that I would fault the overall sculpt/engineering of the figure is that his head looks down a little too much for my liking. It is not terrible but he does not have a lot of movement in the neck joint (something that we have been seeing quite a lot of lately).

However, perhaps the area seeing even more improvement than the sculpt is in the paint department. Wow. The paint on the face is what really makes this figure in the end, I think. I still believe that the original Movie Masters Joker has a great head sculpt too but is got a bit lost with the thick white paint they used for his make-up. This time they really got it though, especially with the white and black grease paint. You can see past it to flesh and it is really messy, just like in the move. It also works very well in bringing out the nuances to the face sculpt instead of hiding them. The on spot people might take issue with is the red lip make-up, but it has come a LONG way since the previous figure. The paint on the hair is really well done too, it looks ratty and shabby this time instead of like a big green wig. Finally, the paint detail on the Joker’s shirt is unreal, I mean, they hit it pattern for pattern and some of the dots and lines are so small, they had to have had one heck of mask in order to get them all right.

via First Look – Movie Masters Jail Cell Joker | thefwoosh.com.

Ghostbusters Ray Stantz 6-Inch and 12-Inch Figures – thefwoosh.com

VeeBee at the Fwoosh has Ghostbusters Ray Stantz times two.  Both the 6-inch and 12-inch versions of Ray go on sale on October 15 on Mattycollector.com.

I got the 6-inch Egon Spengler at San Diego Comic-Con.  I was on the fence at the time, but was compelled by the old psychological fallacy that if I was standing in line as long as I was, then there must have been something I wanted to buy.

I’ll probably continue picking up the 6-inch line but pass on the bigger figures.

Ray Stantz – 6-inch figure – $20

The likeness to Aykroyd is pretty good, certainly not as strong as Ramis, but it is not as far off from the figure I saw in the booth at SDCC. I do think the head got a little pinched in production. I am thinking that perhaps Aykroyd will end up being the hardest likeness to master (this is also evident to about the same extent in the 12 inch figure), but I hope that the Horsemen get to take another crack at him for a future variation. Toy Guru spoke of perhaps a “Sedgewick Hotel” version with the Ecto-Goggles, that would be a great place to try out a new head sculpt. Overall though, this one is not bad.

Ghostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - cardGhostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - with Egon SpenglerGhostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - closeupGhostbuster 6-inch Ray Stantz - Logo ghost

Ray does come with a fun accessory in the Ghost Busters logo “No Ghost”, complete with removable slash sign. It is cool to finally get this little guy though I am a little torn on the glow in the dark feature. It is neat (not quite as neat as Scareglow) but I think I would almost have preferred to have had the ghost cast in a bright white plastic to better resemble the logo. Perhaps we will be seeing that sometime in the future and I am happy to have this one. It does include a stand just like Slimer’s.

via First Look – Ghost Busters Classics Ray Stantz | thefwoosh.com.

Ray Stantz – 12-inch figure – $60

The figure itself is an all new body developed by Mattel for their large scale figures. It does provide a lot of movement for Ray and I am able to put him into just about any natural and relevant pose. The build is also appropriate which is good since I imagine that they will be using this figure for all four of the regular Ghost Busters. Unfortunately, I do not own any Side Show or Hot Toys 1:6 figures so I cannot compare the bodies point for point but, as I said, you can get great movement from all of the joints and the figure is balanced well so he stands up with little effort.

Ghostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - cardGhostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - with lockerGhostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - closeup with trapGhostbusters 12-inch Ray Stantz - proton pack

The sculpts for this line are being done in house by Mattel (e.g. NOT by the Four Horsemen) and I have seen mixed reactions to the Aykroyd likeness in the head sculpt of this figure. As mentioned in my previous six-inch Ray review, Dan must be a hard guy to capture as the upcoming 1:6 Egon seems to have a stronger likeness to Harold Ramis. That isn’t to say that this head sculpt doesn’t measure up, it actually looks more like Ray than I originally thought it would, but it is still a little soft. I think the thing that throws a lot of people off is the hair sculpt, it is in an odd shape and makes his head seem a little tall. As you can see from the pictures, he looks much more like Aykroyd with the Ecto-Goggles on his forehead, I think that is because it covers up the hair.

via First Look – Ghost Busters Movie Masters Ray Stantz | thefwoosh.com.

First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Zodak and Scareglow – thefwoosh.com

VeeBee at the Fwoosh has posted first looks at Masters of the Universe Classics Zodak and Scareglow.  Everyone out there please join me in a fit of jealousy.  It’s cathartic!


Is anyone else disappointed that Zodak’s helmet isn’t removable?  I was psyched when they announced “Zoblack” – I really dug the redesign for 200X and this is one of the ones I wanted reincorporated in Classics.  Seeing him again, though, I wish there was more to distinguish his head from Zodac’s, other than the paint deco.


While this version kind of replaced the classic (And mysterious) Zodac from the vintage line, Mattel has gone back and included both of them in canon and they now share a close history as Enforcers in the galaxy (as you can see from his bio). I am glad that they are doing this as I am very much a classic-head, but I really did like the characterization of Zodak in the 200x cartoon.

The figure itself is 100% re-use in a kitbash of previously released figures (save for his staff). He is mostly the heroic He-Man body but with He-Ro’s shorts and boots, Hordak’s gloves and Zodac’s head and armor. Since Zodak was not shy about taking off his helmet in the 200x, and the original Zodak’s figure actually featured a removable helmet, I kind of wish they would have done the same thing here, but I can understand how it might have been cost prohibitive.

via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Zodak | thefwoosh.com.


Unlike VeeBee, I didn’t have any special affinity for Scareglow.  He came much later in the original toy line and by then I had the end-all-be-all Jitsu and didn’t want any more toys.  But I’ll be getting one anyways, because he’s part of the September – December subscription.  He’ll be a cool-looking addition to my villains shelf.


For the actual figure, he is mostly the Skeletor body but he has the standard furry shorts as opposed to the more Roman-esque drawers of Skeletor. I dig the dark purple they used for his shins and feet, it is not a color that has shown up in the MOTUC pallet yet. The shiny purple gem on his belt is also a neat little touch.

Most of his body, including his head, is cast in a glow-in-the-dark plastic to recreate the same effect of the old figure. It, of course, works really well and when he is put in the dark, his erie presence shines through to scare the furry shorts off every Eternian this side of the Sands of Time. The “bone” pattern created on him is just like the vintage figure – glowing bones on a muscle-bound body. Ridiculous and I love it!

via First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Scareglow | thefwoosh.com.

AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 10/1/9

Here are the latest questions and answers from Mattel.  We were able to get a super-sized set in for this last session – moving forward Mattel has asked participating websites to limit the number of questions to five.

Thanks to Mattel and Toy Guru!

DC Universe Classics

1. Thanks for sending the DC Universe Classics Wave 12 pics. Before we dive into questions about those figures, when are you going to send us pics of Wave 11? 😀

DC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Cyborg Superman - Sinestro Corps.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Deadman.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - John Stewart.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Katma Tui.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Kilowog C&C.jpg
DC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Shark.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Steppenwolf - Classic.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - Steppenwolf - Super Powers.jpgDC Universe Classics Wave 11 - The Question.jpg

These images are available on our MattyCollector Facebook page. You are free to download them from there.

Continue reading “AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 10/1/9”

Masters of the Universe Classics Green Goddess Pics

Mattel has posted pics of the upcoming Goddess figure from Masters of the Universe Classics.  The Green Goddess has been a most requested figure from the early days of MOTU and will be seeing plastic for the first time.

While this is essentially a new deco on Teela, the translucent green certainly gives it a unique look.  The Goddess is a bonus figure in December on Mattycollector.com.

The Goddess has arrived

Check out the Goddess in all her glory! This fan demanded figure comes out this December 15th. Note that she is not included in the 2009 subscription, so if you want to add her to your collection, move fast!

Goddess comes with removable snake armor, corodite armor, power shield and Grayskull’s axe to train her warriors as well as an all new staff of the Elders. Catch her before she magically disappears!


For those like me who are small-type challenged, here’s the bio transcribed.  It looks like a last minute correction was made, as the “REAL NAME” tag is a sticker.



After the death of King Grayskull, the power of the universe was transferred from the Sword of He to the Council of Elders who hid it deep within his castle. Knowing the full sword was the key to channeling the power, they split it in two to prevent it from falling into the hands of evil. For five centuries they waited for a worthy heir to be born. During this time their spirit guide, the creature known as “The Goddess” of Eternia, trained secret heroic guardians to keep the two halves of the sword separated. Many of these brave warriors took the name “He-Man” in honor of the sword they protected, giving birth to many different legends of the protector of Eternia.

via Facebook | Mattycollector.com: The Goddess has arrived.

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