Reader Feedback – DC Universe Classics Wave 12 Eclipso

DC Universe Classics has been the special kind of action figure line that has continued to impress me.  It feels like with every wave that gets delivered, I find myself with a new favorite figure.  For those keeping track, my current favorite is wave 10’s Forager.  With DCUC wave 12, which was first revealed in Toyfare magazine, followed shortly by press pics released to the online media, I had the same reaction, in this case with Dr. Mid-Nite.

But there’s one figure that I think could use a little tweaking – and that’s Eclipso.


On the left is the original pic of the prototype.  I was initially put off by the leering grin, but over time, realized that what was throwing me off was the large gap between the tip of his nose and the top of his mouth.  In my opinion, it throws off the proportions, making his head too long.

On the right, I’ve modified the image to reduce the gap between nose and mouth.  Again, it’s my opinion, but I think it’s much, much better.

Given that this wave is due in the 1st quarter next year, I’m not sure if there’s still the opportunity to make changes to the figure.  I’m not sure if Mattel would be inclined to change it, even if they could.

Whether you agree or disagree a change is needed to the Eclipso head, please leave a comment.  I’ll share your feedback with the good folks at Mattel and the Four Horsemen.  Thanks! Release Dates through End of Year

Mattel has published a release schedule for the remainder of the year.  As we suspected, the Dark Knight figures were pushed back by a month.  And check out December – better start saving up for the holidays! 😀

Upcoming sale dates for

Hey gang,

We are working on getting items up on about 3 months before the onsale date. Until that goes live in a few weeks, here is an update through the end of the year:

Oct 15:

  • Ghostbusters 12″ Ray – $60.00
  • Ghostbusters 6″ Ray – $20.00
  • MOTUC Teela $20.00 (subscription figure)
  • MOTUC Zodak – $20.00
  • Dark Knight Movie Masters Bank Robber Joker – $20.00

Nov 15:

  • DCUC Color of Fear 2 pack -$25.00
  • DCU JLU Doom Patrol 4 pack -$30.00
  • Dark Knight Proto Suit Batman $20.00
  • MOTUC Scareglow – $20.00 (subscription figure)
  • MOTUC He-Man reissue $20.00
  • CARs Die Cast 1:24 Mater $45.00

Dec 1:

  • 3 3/4 Avatar collection (retail items, not exclusive to

Dec 15:

  • Ghostbusters 12″ Egon $60.00
  • Ghostbusters 6″ Winston with Trap – $20.00
  • DC Superfriends Robin $15.00
  • DC Superfriends Hawkman (brown deco) $15.00
  • DCUC Animal Instinct 2 pack $25.00
  • DC 12″ General Zod $60.00
  • Dark Knight MM Harvey Dent $20.00
  • World’s Greatest DC Superheroes Green Arrow -$20.00
  • MOTUC Goddess $20.00
  • MOTUC King Randor $20.00 (subscription figure)
  • MOTUC Skeletor re-issue $20.00
  • CARs Die Cast 1:24 Doc $45.00
  • Flying Stands for 6″ Mattel figures $15.00 (3 stands)

There may be a few additional item as well and not everything always goes to plan. If any of these dates change we will be sure to announce and update as soon as possible.

Wait until you see 2010! Lots of great items in store!


via Facebook | Upcoming sale dates for

AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 9/15/9

I was traveling yesterday so wasn’t able to get these posted right away.  Here are the latest questions and answers from Mattel.  Thanks to Mattel and Toy Guru!

DC Comics

1. You’ve been saying for a while that the fate of the JLU line is in collectors’ hands. At the time of this writing, all three 4-packs and the San Diego Comic-Con Green Lantern Origins 3-pack are still available on How are the fans doing with respect to keeping the line alive? How are the new products doing at Target?

New JLU packs are currently available at Target and We are reviewing whether the packs, with fan demand playing an important role.

Continue reading “AFP’s Ask Matty Round-Up for 9/15/9”

DC Universe Classics Wave 12 Press Pics

Mattel has sent us press pics of DC Universe Classics Wave 12 with a reminder that the Masters of the Universe Classics Webstor has just gone on sale today. These images first appeared in Toyfare magazine. It seems like Spectre will have glow in the dark skin on the regular figure, and not as a variant, but I’ll ask to make sure. Update: Toy Guru has confirmed that the glow in the dark skin will be on a variant figure.

Normally I would optimize colors on these pictures, but as there’s been some question as to what Iron will look like, I’ve not modified these pics at all.

Attached are images of DCUC Wave 12 figures for immediate publication. These are images of the original sculpts. Actual product may vary.

Copperhead (648x1200).jpgDr Midnight (657x1200).jpgEclipso (724x1200).jpgDessad (817x1200).jpgIron (798x1200).jpgSpectre (798x1200).jpgDarkseid C_C figure (876x1200).jpgMary Batson (634x1200).jpg

  • Spectre (with glow in the dark skin!)
  • Eclipso
  • Dr Mid-Nite
  • Iron (with real metal parts!)
  • Copperhead
  • Mary Marvel (with white chase version, image not available)
  • Desaad
  • Collect and Connect Darkseid

Wave 12 will ship in Spring of 2010.

Also, MOTUC Webstor goes on sale today on at 12:00 noon. Images attached.

Tips to Find DC Universe Classics Wave 9 and Pics of Chemo Variant

Like many of you, I have begun to rely increasingly on pre-orders from online retailers for my action figure fix.  So when I got an email on Monday from Big Bad Toy Store (one of the sponsors at AFP and the Fwoosh) saying that they wouldn’t be able to honor my preorder for DC Universe Classics Wave 9 because of a Mattel shortfall in production, I was suitably distressed.  After all, the point of pre-ordering was so I didn’t have to worry about having to deal with the hassle of hunting them down.

If you’re in the same position, here’s some tips you may find helpful to find DCUC Wave 9:

Tip 1: Check your local comic book store. Although Diamond was reportedly shorted, just like everyone else, shipments are showing up at the LCSs.  I was lucky enough to be meeting NYC Fwooshers GrownNerd and Hagop09 at one of their local stores, Midtown Comics, tonight.  And they had *just* put out their shipment right before we arrived.

As an aside, GN showed me the differences between the amount of bubbles in the Chemo Collect & Connect torso and head that comes with Wildcat.  Some folks have theorized that this is a variant, but after seeing it side by side, we’re convinced it’s a production error.  There is an inside shell with more bubbles that some of the Chemo torsos are missing.


As you can see, the number of bubbles is not based on which version of Wildcat you get.  These are both the black-suited version – and if you can’t tell, the properly assembled Chemo piece is in with the figure on the right.  Based on our tiny sample – GN and I bought these two tonight, and Hagop had bought one earlier – missing the inner set of bubbles may be a fairly common, as two out of the three we had bought had the inner piece missing.  It won’t affect constructing Chemo, but it’s something to check for.

(All photos credit to GrownNerd.)

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