A couple of days ago, I was lamenting having to move all of the action figures I had, not because we were moving, but because we had decided to install new carpeting. A few of them were on display in a small bookshelf that was mostly filled with books, and the balance were stored in big plastic tubs that I used to call “Staging Area One.” The carpet went in earlier this week, and I’ve been spending the last couple of days setting up the new display.
The new hotness - action figure display
We got rid of the old bookshelf and added more shelving cubes. In all, there are forty-nine 1-foot square cubes, and I’ve got figures in thirty-one of them, and extra figures and customizing supplies in fourteen more. I’d guess I’ve got at least five times more display space than I used to.
As San Diego Comic-Con was winding down, I got the chance to accompany the Fwoosh’s VeeBee to a chat with Mattel’s Associate Brand Manager Scott Neitlich, a.k.a. Toy Guru, in themeeting room built atop of Mattycollector’s store at the show.We had the chance to consider and talk about all of the lines he oversees, from DC Universe Classics to Masters of the Universe to Ghost Busters. Being the nice guy that he his, Scott let us pick his brain for quite awhile so we have a good-sized interview to share with you. Read on for Part 1 of conversation where you will get a glimpse at some of the day to day of his job, the challenges of bringing first-rate action figures to market, and maybe even a juicy tidbit or two!
Fwoosh: Scott, thanks so much for sitting down with us again today – it has become an annual event! Just to start off, how has the show been for you this year?
Scott Neitlich: The show has been absolutely phenomenal. We had some of the best exclusives that we have ever done. We had a great response to our improved buying process. Each year gets better and we are dedicated to additional improvements next year to make sure as many fans can purchase product as possible.
F: Were you surprised at the pace that things have been selling out at the show – I think the Wonder Twins sold out on Saturday.
SN: Yeah! For a $40.00 toy, that sold out very quickly. It is quite a Collectible!
San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive DC Universe Classics Wonder Twins Two-Pack
Close to the start of the month, Mattel announced that Teela and Zodak would be on sale in October on their Facebook page. Now both have been added to the Mattycollector site and the sale date set to October 15. While Zoar is in the original deco, they hinted at a red and blue Zoar coming later – is this a hint that the Sorceress is coming?
Teela – with Zoar
Teela – in Snake Armor
Teela – card
Teela – card back
Zodak – back
Zodak – card
Zodak – card back
TeelaĀ® Figure
Available October 15, 2009
Warrior Goddess
Respected leader of the troops of King Randorā¢, TeelaĀ® is the ultimate warrior – especially when armed with her magical Staff of Ka. Highly-detailed and fully-articulated, her feisty figure is ready for action with these accessories:
Staff of Ka
Snake armor
Extra head
TeelaĀ® Bio
Real Name: TeelaĀ®
The adoptive daughter of Duncanā¢, the current Man-At-ArmsĀ®, TeelaĀ® grew up in the palace of King Randorā¢. Trained from an early age in the ways of battle, at age 18 she became Captain of the Guard, leading the troops of King Randorā¢ and acting as a defacto member of the Masters of the UniverseĀ®. She is yet to become aware of her true heritage as the magically cloned daughter of, and heir to, the Sorceress of Castle GrayskullĀ®. She carries the Staff of Ka, which was once used by the Snake Menā¢ in their epic battles against the Horde and King Grayskullā¢ during the Great Wars. TeelaĀ® uses her magical staff to track her foes’ every move!
Available October 15, 2009, only on MattyCollector.com.
Zodakā¢ Figure
Available October 15, 2009
Mystic Enforcer
Don’t be fooled by this meditating man’s mild manner. When duty calls, Zodakā¢ becomes a force to be reckoned with! Feel the power with this highly-detailed, fully-articulated action figure that comes complete with a Cosmic Staff.
Zodakā¢ Bio
Real Name: Kar-torā¢
An ancient and powerful enforcer for the Council of Elders, Kar-torā¢ studied the teachings and mystic fighting techniques of the Cosmic Enforcers and knows how to instantly identify an opponent’s weakness. After his mentor, the original ZodacĀ®, left EterniaĀ® to fulfill the Elder’s bargain with Trolla, Kar-torā¢ took his place on the Council and helped lead them in battle against the Snake Menā¢, eventually trapping King Hssssā¢ in the Void with the power of his staff. Although he prefers a solitary life of meditation in the Mystic Mountains, when he is called to battle, Zodakā¢ attacks his enemies using all the power at his command!
Available October 15, 2009, only on MattyCollector.com.
Mattel has posted pictures of the upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics Scareglow on its Facebook page. We asked them about the Greyskull accessory in the last installment of Ask Matty, but they were still playing it coy.Ā The only clue from the cardback bio is that Scareglow is obsessed with breaking into Castle Grayskull.
Update: The official listing on the Mattycollector sales page lists the accessory as a “Cursed Grayskull reliquary.” Ā Websters defines a reliquary as “a container or shrine in which sacred relics are kept” – perhaps the reliquary keeps Scareglow bound to Eternia in his ghostly form, or in servitude to Skeletor.
I never had a Scareglow when I was a kid, but having all these glow in the dark MOTUC toys (like the ring that comes with Tri-Klops) is making me feel like a kid again.Ā Scareglow goes on sale on November 16th on Mattycollector.com.