More Masters of the Universe Classics updates from Mattel – they’ve posted pictures of the October figures, previously announced at San Diego Comic-Con.
Teela, Captain of the Eternian Guard, will be the first female figure in the line, and is the “regular” figure that will be included in the fall subscription, if you have one. Mattel had hinted previously that Teela would come with a special accessory – as many guessed, it’s Zoar the falcon.
Zodak features the 200X redesign of Zodac, and is the bonus figure for the month – he is not part of the subscription. I really liked the Zodak redesign, so I’m stoked he’s getting his day in MOTU Classics.
October MOTU Classic figures revealed!
MOTU Classics Teela – front
MOTU Classics Teela – back
MOTU Classics Zodak – front
MOTU Classics Zodak – back
Teela and Zodak will hit on Oct 15th! Get em while you can. If you have a 2009 Subscription you are guaranteed Teela!
Teela comes with sword, shield, staff of Ka, alt. head with snake armor and Zoar the falcon in orginal deco. (not to worry, Zoar in blue and red deco is coming too, but not for a little while…)
Check out Teela’s bio!
Zodak will be a “bonus” figure for October and is not included in the subscription.
Zodak comes with cosmic armor and an all new Power Staff!
Yes, we know there is a small type-o in Zodak’s bio and are working to fix that before it ships out!
For those of you with your magnifying glasses out, Tyler Pearce did us a solid and posted the bios on Mattel’s Facebook page. Enjoy!
Real Name: Teela
The adoptive daughter of Duncan, the current Man-At-Arms, Teela grew up in the palace of King Randor. Trained from an early age in the ways of battle, at 18 she became Captain of the Guard, leading Randor’s troops and acting as a defacto member of the Masters of the Universe. She has yet to become aware of her true heritage as the magically cloned daughter, and heir to, the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. She carries the staff of Ka which was once used by the Snake Men in their epic battles against the Horde and King Grayskull during the Great Wars. Teela uses her magical staff to track her foes every move.
Real Name: Kar-Tor
An ancient and powerful enforcer for the Council of Elders, Kar-Tor studied the teachings and mystic fighting techniques of the Cosmic Enforcers and knows how to instantly identify an opponent’s weakness. After his mentor, the original Zodac, left Eternia to fulfill the Eldor’s bargain with Tolla*. Kar-Tor took his place on the Council and helped lead them in battle against the Snake Men, eventually trapping King Hssss in the void with the power of his staff. Although he prefers a solitary life of meditation in the mystic mountains, when he is called to battle Zodak attacks his enemies using all the power at his command.
*Mattel mentioned a typo on this bio and I’m guessing this should read Trolla.
Mattel has posted new pictures of the Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man and Skeletor that will be reissued in November and December, respectively. There doesn’t look to be any changes to the figures themselves, but the packaging will feature a minor change – a small new graphic that says “The Original” – I think this is a nice compromise that will suit new and old collectors alike.
New releases of He-Man and Skeletor coming this Winter!
MOTU Classics reissue – He-Man
MOTU Classics reissue – Skeletor
MOTU Classics reissue – cardback
Hey He-Fans!
As promised, we are going to kick off the re-releases of MOTUC figures starting with He-Man in November and Skeletor in December. Here is a sneak preview of the new package (with minimal changes). More info will be up on in a week or so!
Since the Mattel exclusives are going on sale tomorrow, I’ll try to get some quick hits up on the exclusives that I picked up. Sometimes I get the fever to buy something, anything, and on big sales days, that fever can get me in a lot of trouble. Maybe seeing some pics and hearing me ramble on will help you figure out whether you really want to buy something.
So, first up is the Masters of the Universe He-Ro. I picked up the exclusive version at San Diego, and for a really great review, Veebee at did a pretty extensive look at it about a month and a half ago. I’ll point out what’s different between the versions and why mine is so much better than his! 😉
Win one of these Gleeks! Just the bagged ones - that one in front is staying right here.
A lot of AFP’s readers come from – if you’re one of them, then you probably know about a little Gleek giveaway they were running right after San Diego Comic-Con. Well, Fwoosh’s Gleek Week may be over, but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with Ebay or trading a kidney to get a SDCC exclusive DC Universe Classics Gleek. We’ve got a few here to give away too – when VeeBee wasn’t looking, I ran off with three of Fwoosh’s Gleeks. True story.
To get your chance to win a Gleek, all you need to do is subscribe to one or more of the following from
E-mail Newsletter – Subscribe to our newsletter and you’ll get email (maximum of one per day) when we update the site with new action figure pics. Plus you’ll be entered in our “Free Stuff” drawings. And we will never, ever, sell your e-mail address or send you spam. Note: only verified e-mails will be eligible, so look for the first email from us and use the enclosed link to verify your address.
Facebook Page – Become a fan and you’ll see links to AFP articles on your Facebook wall when we update the site.
Twitter – Follow ActionFigPics on Twitter, and you’ll get tweets with links to AFP articles when we update the site.
All of these services are totally free!
A week from today, on Saturday, August 8, I’ll select one winner at random from subscribers to each of the services – one for the e-mail newsletter, one for Facebook, and one for Twitter. And don’t worry – if you’re already signed up, then you’ll be included in the drawing.
So, I’ll look forward to seeing more of you on e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter, and hope that I’ll get the chance to send a Gleek your way! Good luck!