There will actually be six variants of He-Ro. As revealed earlier, he will come with one of three different stones concealed within his staff, but He-Ro will also have a San Diego Comic-Con variation, which will come with the SDCC logo underneath his armor. Fun times for completists!
MOTU Fans!
As most MOTU fans know, He-Ro is our special San Diego Comic-Con 2009 MOTU figure. You’ve waited patiently, and now I can finally share some of the details!
This version of He-Ro will be available at SDCC, then at after the show. Both the SDCC version and the version will have three different Spell Stone variants, randomly packed. But like all spell stones, they’re well hidden. The stones come packed in a closed Spell Staff so the only way to know which version you have is to open the package, then open the staff to see the color.
Spell of Protection……Green Spell Stone
Spell of Defense……Red Spell Stone
Spell of Healing……Purple Spell Stone
There’s one more thing… if you get He-Ro at the show, he’ll also have a special SDCC variant with the SDCC logo on his chest under the armor (you’ll need to take him out of the package and remove the armor to see the logo)! The logo version will be sold only at SDCC.
If you can’t get to the SDCC, don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered. You can still get He-Ro without the SDCC logo here on after the show on Monday, August 3rd at 12:00 NOON ET, so be sure to mark your calendar!
Toyfare has posted an interview with Harold Ramis, who played Dr. Egon Spengler in the Ghostbusters movies. He talks about the upcoming action figures from Mattel, the video game, and making the original movies. An excerpt here:
Mattel Ghostbusters - Ray Stantz and Egon Spengler
TOYFARE: Have you gotten a look at your action figure yet?
HAROLD RAMIS: I saw the maquette, the clay model of my head, which was cool. Then they showed me a fully dressed figure without the head.
What was it like seeing an action figure that actually looked like you?
It was weird coming after all the toy merchandising that was really predicated on the cartoon show. The movie drove the merchandising and yet they were afraid to use our likenesses because they didn’t know that we would stick with it. So, there was something more generic about the cartoon figures. I have one sitting right here in my office, the blonde Egon. It was cool that we created something that had that much reach into the culture. And now, to see one that actually looks like me and to see our likenesses in the new video game is incredible.
How long ago did Mattel approach you about the figures and what was your initial reaction?
I’m really vague on when the toy stuff started, but it had to be in the last two years. The game stuff probably started three years ago. The game development went apace, but the release of the game was delayed due to the corporate shuffle. The action figures, I can’t remember when we signed off on it, but it’s kind of exciting for me, having spent so much money as a father on action figures.
Like with Man-At-Arms, apparently Tri-Klops will ship with a special accessory – a glow-in-the-dark one at that.
MOTU Tri-Klops® Secret Accessory Revealed!
By Matty
MOTU Fans!
You won’t need cybernetic vision to get your first official look at the secret accessory accompanying Tri-Klops® when he goes on sale August 17th — it’s right here on!
Along with removable armor, sword, and a Doomseeker with stand, Tri-Klops® will include a re-creation of the 1980s Warrior’s Ring. Befitting a three-eyed icon of evil, the Warrior’s Ring glows in the dark and features an opening top! To see more images of Tri-Klops®, click here to visit the Tri-Klops® page.
This is a exclusive, so be sure you’re here on August 17th when Tri-Klops® goes on sale!
Here’s the latest round of Q&A with Mattel. Thanks again to Toy Guru!
1. With the upcoming DC Universe Classics 2-pack of Alexander Luthor and Ultraman, Mattel is showing that they can go pretty deep in terms of character selection. What are some of the DC team’s favorite characters that you think may never be able to make it into the line for whatever reason? Hopefully Jonah Hex isn’t on that list!
We are hoping to get to both obscure and A-list characters in time. If there is fan demand, the sky’s the limit.