Here’s a couple of Quick Pics of the G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Firefly!
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Here’s a couple of Quick Pics of the G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Firefly!
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Hasbro has shared a ton of pictures (293 of them!) of upcoming products across its boys toys lines – GI Joe, Marvel, Star Wars, and Transformers were all represented this time around. We’ll start with GI Joe, which have continued to impress us since their San Diego Comic-Con showing with figures of Beachhead and Alley Viper that Sandman picked up at retail recently.
G.I. Joe
Pursuit of Cobra Figures
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The new G.I. Joe: Pursuit of Cobra figures have been popping up at retail and I thought I’d share some quick pics of Beachhead and the Alley Viper! I haven’t bought any Joes in a long time, but the nice sculpts and wealth of accessories made me give in!
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So we’ve been back from Comic-Con for a week, and boy do we have tons of pics to share with you all! To help you guys and gals navigate our galleries, we’ve prepared a summary with links to make browsing easier! Here we go!
First off, you can find the San Diego Comic-Con gallery under Events in our Galleries section. Click onĀ 2010 San Diego Comic-Con and you’ll see all the different galleries for each company and a couple of non-toy galleries too.
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The GI Joe panel may have been focused solely on the Renegades animated show that will debut on Hasbro’s HUB network later this year, but on the display floor they had some new figures to show off.
Joe fans I talked to are psyched for the silencer that Snake Eyes can use on either of his weapons, the individual round of ammo that comes with Low Light, and the stacks of money that come with Destro. There was lots of great stuff to take in.