AFP Hasbro G.I. JOE Q&A for 1/15/10

The Hasbro JOE team is back with another round of Q&A.  Thanks to Ray from the Fwoosh for these questions.

1. Hypothetical question… If the ROC movie hadn’t existed would you have pretty much stopped the 25th line anyway and rebranded into a new line, or would it have kept going untouched?

Hypothetically, we may have developed a new theme as we strive to continuously keep the brand fresh and relevant.

2. Have you ever considered doing modern updates of monster type Joes like the Bio-Viper, Monstro-Viper – because the customs you had on display of those were awesome.

[Pics courtesy of the Hasbro JoeCon 2009 coverage by ItsAllTrue.Net – thanks Noisy!]

Great question! This is something we find very exciting and are looking into it, although they may not look exactly like the customs – we may use cues from them as inspiration for future planning.

3. What was the reasoning behind the new Snowcat’s paintjob? As opposed to the original look.

We aim to keep the line fresh and offer cool new looks where possible.

G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra Night Raven on Sale at

I’m not sure how long the Night Raven will be on sale for $19.98 – but it’s over half off.  Since it’s about half the size of the vintage Night Raven, if you were holding out because of the $44.99 retail price, you might want to pick one up now.

Night Raven Vehicle PackageNight Raven Cobra Vehicle w Cobra Viper2

M.A.R.S. Industries has developed an advanced hypersonic high-altitude attach and reconnaissance aircraft to rule the skies. Supremely fast and powerful, the suborbital NIGHT RAVEN cruises at a top speed of Mach 6 and deploys stealth technology, making it undetectable to even the most sophisticated tracking systems. Equipped with twin rotary launchers, the NIGHT RAVEN strikes its targets with infrared-guided IRG-42X missiles.

Rip-roaring adventure is coming your way, by way of this tough and ready-for-anything Night Raven aircraft with electronic lights and sounds! Lower the handle so you can “fly” this jet vehicle, put the Air-Viper figure in the cockpit and check your retractable landing gear. Then, zoom off and prepare to use this aircraft_s lock-and-load firing action and two rotating 6-missile launchers against unsuspecting opposing forces on the ground!

Includes Air-Viper action figure.

via G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra Night Raven Action Figure with Air-Viper – Hasbro – Toys “R” Us.

Border Patrol: Phoenix, Executioner, and Scorponok

In AFP’s Border Patrol, we scour active eBay auctions for customized action figure that you won’t want to let slip by!

Phoenix 1Phoenix 2

Marvel Universe Phoenix – KJ CUSTOMS has produced a really dynamic Jean Grey Phoenix in the 4-inch scale – ends Dec 17, 2009 09:02:17 PST

Continue reading “Border Patrol: Phoenix, Executioner, and Scorponok”

GI Joe, Marvel, Star Wars, and Transformers – December Press Pics

Hasbro has shared some pictures of upcoming products across its boys toys lines – GI Joe, Marvel, Star Wars, and Transformers.  This month, the Marvel team comes through with new images from Marvel Universe 2010 Wave 2, new Spider-Man, and Super Hero Squad.  I’ve also included a sampling of the new Iron Man 2 figures that published earlier today.

G.I. Joe:

GI JOE Rip Attack Grey Packaging (1024x702).jpgGI JOE Rip Attack Packaging (1024x702).jpgGI JOE Rip Attack (1024x592).jpgGI JOE Rip Attack Grey (1024x632).jpg

  • Rip Attack – Grey
  • Rip Attack – Red

Continue reading “GI Joe, Marvel, Star Wars, and Transformers – December Press Pics”

AFP Hasbro G.I. JOE Q&A for 11/17/9

The Hasbro JOE team is back with another round of Q&A.  Thanks to Ray and Indy from the Fwoosh for these questions.

1. How did the Attack on Cobra Island and Defense of Cobra Island 7-packs do? Were they successful enough to make more beyond the upcoming Resolute sets? Can you tease all of us Resolute fans with some possible characters that will be showing up in those 7-packs?

GI JOE Cobra Island 7-packs
GI JOE Cobra Island 7-packs

The 7 packs did very well and we are excited to be releasing the new Resolute packs in fall 2010, unfortunately we will have to keep you waiting a little longer as they are still being finalized. More information on these packs will be released as soon as possible.

2. What kinds of pairings will be in the “Then and Now” sets?

You will see classic of ring figures with what’s been dubbed as modern era figures.

3. How does movie continuity affect the toy line? For example, since Cover Girl is dead in the movie, would that take her off the table for a Pursuit of Cobra figure? What about the Baroness being “good”?

We try to keep story lines as consistent as possible to avoid confusion but we also try to stay true to fans and the GI Joe lore. It’s all a matter of best judgment and each character is looked at on a case by case basis.

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