It’s been a few months since Hasbro’s answered any of our G.I. Joe questions, and in this round we still only received answers for two out of our three questions (submitted by Ray from the Fwoosh.) But they make up for it by sending along hi-res pics of upcoming figures, including Target and Wal-Mart exclusives.
Update – the Hasbro PR team has sent over the answer to our first question.
1. Would it be possible to get pictures from the JoeCon slide shows? A lot of the pictures of the stuff from the JoeCon slide shows are hard to see and it be great if we could see nice quality versions of what was shown. They do this with Hasbro Star Wars con presentations, why not with Joe as well?
We really enjoy giving GI Joe fans who attend the conventions a sneak peek of the upcoming line at forums such as JoeCon, ComicCon and Toy Fair, however we prefer to distribute images when they more accurately reflect final production.
2. There’s some debate with Night Adder figure, is he supposed to have African American skin or is he wearing black spandex? Cause it would be strange to have tattoo’s on spandex. Plus his picture on the card art makes it look like he’s supposed to have African American skin tone. Is this a factory flaw and will it be corrected, or is it on purpose?
Night Adder is meant to be of African decent. His arms and torso are meant to be his skin covered with tattoos.
3. We’ve seen leaked pictures of a Python Patrol Televiper, and word was from JoeCon it’s probably nixed. Is there any chance of releasing it in the original Televiper color scheme? Since it has corrected more accurate body than the one came with the flight pod. Plus, the Televiper needs his gear, it’s very iconic and essential – you can’t have a communications trooper with out communication gear.
Unfortunately, there are no plans at this time.
And here’s the pictures: