Here’s a quick update from the Hasbro booth, where the Marvel team has made another update to the figures in the Avengers display for 2015. The reason for the musical chairs with Thor, Sentry, Iron Fist, and Hawkeye is simply because they’ve had trouble fitting all the figures into the display. Current plan – all figures are part of Wave 1 for 2015.
In addition, they are planning on a variant Build-a-Figure, via running case pack changes like they did with Arnim Zola / Red Skull earlier in the relaunch of Legends. In this case, Odin’s head and arms will be changed for the head and arms of King Thor. Krakadoooom! Keep your fingers crossed that this actually makes it to retail shelves.
Hasbro also said that there are definitely more figures in the Spidey wave, but aren’t ready to reveal them. Hobgoblin, who I learned was from the Big Time arc, will be the BAF for this wave. As always, you can check out the pics in our SDCC 2014 Marvel Legends album. Excelsior!